Running our Mouths

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Is it weird how comfortable I've gotten with the sound of guns clicking into place? I mean, after however many years it's been since I became a criminal, I just accepted the fact that weapons aimed at my face is normal.

So when we step out of the ship and find ourselves greeted by the sound of twenty armed guards all aiming they're guns at us, I of course am the first one to be calm and totally okay with this.

"Well look at that. That seems may put a hiccup in our escape plan." I smile cheekily at Snart. "What's our next move, Mr. I'll make up the plan and make you all follow it?"

"Step one, find duck tape." Snart's eyes flick towards me, a cold glint glowing like a burning ember in them. "Step two, use it on your constantly yapping mouth-"

"Ray, buddy!" I interrupt cheerfully, "You got a plan?"

Ray blinks at me from his position of leaning on Jax's shoulder. Actually, the closer I look at him the more I realize he's looking a foot to the left of me.

"Kari, look they's has guns!" He gurgles pointing at the guards ahead.

Closing my eyes briefly, I glance past a clearly concussed Ray to Jax.


He shrugs and glances at Snart.

I huff in disappointment.

"You're siding with him on this?" I say, betrayal oozing through my tone. "Jax I thought we we're friends!"

Jax makes a face.

"Uh Kari, now might not the time to be cracking jokes."

"Ah, you're killing me, Smalls," I reply, slowly letting my powers stretch out towards the soldiers.

"Smalls?" Jax splutters as he struggles to keep a wobbly Ray upright. He slips and Ray nearly face plants into the floor before Jax manages to grab him by the back of his jacket.

"Kari, I'm taller than you!" He grunts.

I notice the soldiers closest to me muttering to each other as their guns begin to vibrate. A self satisfied smirk crosses my face.

"So what, Smalls?"

Jax growls under his breath as one of the guards steps forward.

"Enough! We have you surrounded! Surrender!"

I glance around, raising my eyebrows.

"Well look at that," I say, my voice thick with sarcasm. "They have us surrounded."

"Your commentary is not improving the situation, Princess," Snart calls.

I smile at him, listing my head.

"You're welcome!"

"That wasn't a compliment."

"Ah yes! Thank you!" I chuckle, gently extending my hand towards the guards on my right. "Another compliment!"

A guard suddenly raises his gun, aiming directly at my temple. The barrel shakes as he struggles against my powers.

"She's manipulating us!" He roars to his comrades.

I huff in irritation and shoot the man a glare.

"You ruined my surprise," I say, frowning. He glowers back and his eyes take on an uncertain fear as he sees my frown shifts into a scowl.


With a shove of my hand, the man flies backwards into the crowd of his counterparts. Instantly all the rest of the guard's fingers slam down the trigger. That's when I use my grasp on their guns to aim the barrels skywards. Their bullets slam into the ceiling leaving punctures all across it, slowly shredding away the metal.

"GO!" I scream at my team.

Jax slowly begins maneuvering Ray out of the line of fire, towards the exit. Their pace is ridiculously slow due to Ray's weakened state but at least they're getting away.

Snart manages to grab a gun out of a guard's hand and opens fire. Guards fall, clutching bloody wounds as he makes his way over to my side. Slowly we shuffle away towards another ship, docked in the bay.

But just as Snart presses his back to mine, my mental grasp breaks and I lose control of the guards. Immediately they bring their guns down and aim at Snart and I.

"This'll be fun," I mutter to my partner, sending him a grin over my shoulder.

He rolls his eyes, dropping the empty gun and pulling out his cold one.

"You're enjoying this way too much," he replies dryly.

"Yes," I smile, "Yes, I am."

The guards barely have time to fire off their first rounds before the bullets are turned in the air towards them. Their fear filled gazes suddenly become their dying expressions as their own bullets tear them apart.

"That was too easy," I mutter, glancing down at the bloodied bodies.

"You're right," Snart says slowly. He looks up and swears before grabbing me and rolling under the ship.

Twenty new soldiers are racing with perfect unison into the shuttle bay. Their footsteps send shudders through the floor.

Snart and I lay belly down under the ship, watching as the soldiers storm inside the hanger.

A captain screams orders at the
men and ten jog into the ship. My stomach twists, knowing what they'll find. Bodies, blood...lots of blood.

Snart's fingers twitch on the handle of his gun and I grab his hand in warning. He glances sharply at me but his hand relaxes.

"We need to get to Jax and Ray,"
Snart says in a voice no louder than a breath.

I don't look at him and drop my head slightly, staring out from under the ship.

"We're gonna have to deal with some other issues before we get to them," I reply quietly.

Snart follows my line of sight and tenses.


I sigh, looking at Snart.

"Well this got us nowhere."

IM SO SORRY IM SLOW WITH UPDATING!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! It's been really hard to write recently! My writer's block has killed me! 😭

Legends In Love {Legends of Tomorrow}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora