The Fallen Friend

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Twenty minutes, a set of bruised ribs, and a very, very wounded ego later, Snart and I are still in Chronos's clutches.

Mick seems to think by hurting me it'll hurt Snart more.

He's not wrong.

As soon as I had seen Mick a surge of white hot betrayal had cut through me like a knife.

Snart told me Mick was dead.

He lied to me.

He never really trusted me.

Blood gently trickles in a steady stream down the side of my temple, tickling my skin. A small puddle of scarlet is pooling at my feet.


I lift my head to look.

It's the first time I've heard Snart talk in a long time. He went quiet a half hour ago when he realized Mick was just beating me up for a reaction from him.

Chronos turns to look at him, his beady eyes full of malicious pleasure.

"Why are you doing this?" Snart asks tiredly, "What's the point?"

"The point?" Mick growls, "The point is to kill you."

He stalks over glaring right at his former friend.

"And not just you," he continues pointing a grubby finger at me, "I have orders to kill her and every other "Legend" that Rip Hunter recruited."

"Orders?" I interject weakly pulling myself up to a sitting position, "Orders from who?"

Mick turns his dark eyes towards me.

"The Time Masters."

Dread fills me at those words and with one glance at Snart I see my same reaction.

"Mick, they're liars,-" Snart begins but at a harsh laugh from Mick he stops.

"You think I care?" Mick snarls, "You're just as much a murderer and a liar as they are. But you've gone soft. You care more about her than you ever did about being a crook."

Snart's blue eyes narrow.

"Maybe I found something more important to fight for."

Heat rushes to my face as I realize what or rather who he's talking about.

"So did I," Mick replies as he turns away from Snart, kicking me as he went.

"When you left me, back in the Vanishing Point, I didn't believe it. I waited for you to come back, I waited, and waited," Mick's eyes darken as he speaks, "And waited."

"Mick I never planned for you-"

"To get trapped in a living hell for years?" Mick snarls before letting out a forced laugh, "Yeah sure it wasn't."

Snart goes quiet, staring up at his former ally.

"I went mad waiting for you," Mic hisses as he lowers his head and closes his eyes as if he's banishing horrible thoughts or memories.

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