Not a Kitchen

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"You think they're gone?"

I shrug and push away from the wall.

"Dunno. But feel free to go out and get shot-I mean look around," I reply sarcastically.

"Har har," Jax grumbles as he stands beside me.

We survey the room in silence, each left to our own thoughts.

My first thoughts are curses when I realize we didn't stumble into the galley. Almost on cue, my stomach growls impatiently. I pat it gently trying to sooth it but it merely growls again, threatening to eat my hand.

I would kill someone to be in a kitchen right now. Somewhere filled to the brim with Pop-Tarts, bagels and steak. But no. Instead I get a huge room filled with lots and lots of nothing.

Wait. Not nothing.

Straight ahead, dead center in this dreary, not filled with food, room, is this glowing, thing. It's bright white light fills the entire room with an eerie glow. Different shadows flick around inside it, but each shadow is either blurry or gone too fast for me to study it.

"What's that?" Jax asks, voicing my own confusion.

I shake my head, slowly, my eyes fastened on the glowing orb. Cautiously, I take a step closer towards it. Then another and another, until I'm right in front of it.

You'd think if you looked right down into a glowing white ball light, it'd hurt your eyes. But it doesn't. It's more like the opposite. An enticing sort of temptation fills me as I study the light, drawing me closer.

Just as I'm wondering if I should be this close to it, the shadows in the light clear. A hazy image of my own face stares back at me from the inner parts of the glow. A fading Jax spirals into existence beside my ghost and leans too far in before letting out a shrill scream and falling forwards towards me.

Instantly, I stumble back away from the light. The glowing white orb laughs at me from its precarious spot on a floating metal plate. No wait, not floating. The more I study it, the more I see of the metal base surrounding the white light.

It's a machine.

But what does it do?

"Whoa," Jax breathes, stepping forward, towards the light. He peers into it.

"This is amazing!"

I step towards him, cautiously looking into the center of the orb for my doppelgänger. To my relief, she's not there.

"What is this?" Jax murmurs, stepping too close.

It's almost like slow motion. I see his foot catch on the edge of the platform. He starts falling forwards towards the dangerous whiteness.

Grabbing the back of his shirt, I yank him back with all my might. We land painfully on the hard floor. Jax's elbow drives into my stomach, practically killing me. He groans before rolling off of me.

Panting, we stare up at the ceiling.

"You dork," I moan, massaging my poor, empty, bruised stomach.

"You, grabbed, me, before, I, fell," Jax gasps back. He turns his head on the cold floor. "How'd you, know?"

"Lucky, guess," I lie.

He'll think I'm crazy if I tell him the truth. Heck I might've just imagined what I saw. It couldn't be right. I couldn't have seen him fall seconds before it actually happened. It's impossible.

"I see you've discovered The Oculus," a new voice says from above us.

My heart stops beating for half a second before adrenaline shoots through my system. Jax and I both scramble to our feet, ready to face the new arrival.

I nearly gasp in recognition. It's the older man from the ship. The one who refused to go back in time and save The Pilgrim. Maybe I should thank him for that. On the other hand, he did want us dead. So maybe kill him then in his dying moments, thank him for letting The Pilgrim stay dead.

"I don't mean you any harm!" The man laughs but it's not a welcome laugh. It's dry and forced. He raises his wrinkled hands and smiles. His lips spread wide across his white teeth. 

"I just wanted to check on The Oculus," he says still smiling. His
smile widens as his eyes fall on me.

"You already know what it does," he  smirks, nodding my direction.

Jax raises an eyebrow but I ignore him, a deep feeling of unsettlement in my chest.

"If you won't tell poor Mr. Jefferson, I will," the man says, tearing his gaze from me to look distainfully at Jax. "The Oculus, tells the future." 

Jax gapes at the man before laughing nervously. When neither I, nor the man join him he stops.

"What, you're serious?" He asks. Scoffing, he turns towards the glowing light. "There's no way that-that thing tells the future! Nothing can do that!"

I swallow nervously, shooting the old man a look. He doesn't meet my eyes but rather stares down into the light.

"This machine can," the time
master says coldly. His grey eyes narrow. "It's how your friend knew to pull you away from falling within it."

Jax gapes at me and I apologetically shrug back.

This new information is scary, downright terrifying. But if time masters know our moves before we do, how can they not have killed us by now?

"We've been predicting your moves to lead up to this moment," the time master says carefully. He looks over at me, seemingly reading my mind. "We knew you'd get captured then decided to use you to grab the rest of your foolish team of mistakes and end this charade."

My sense of unsettlement multiplies exponentially.

"You can't stop all of us!" I snarl, stepping forwards. "One of us will destroy that thing!"

The time master snorts as the doors behind us open. Before Jax or I have a chance to react, the guards stream inside, surrounding and incapacitating us.

"I'm afraid-," the man shouts over my screams of rage.

"-that you have no chance at all of stopping us, Miss Jones!"

Here's the chapter as promised! Oh the picture at the top is a drawing of Kari....yeah I'm artistically challenged 😂

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