Captain Hook

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We dragged Mick into a handy glass prison Rip has on the second floor and locked him there. He came to just as we were leaving and started shouting obscenities.

He's such an endearing fellow.

We came up to the main deck and that's when Rip blew his top.

"YOU DIDN'T KILL HIM?" Rip screams into Snart's face.

Snart doesn't reply just sits down heavily, still cradling his stump of an arm.

"No, I didn't," he says looking tiredly up at Rip.

I plop down beside him, forcing him to let me see his arm.

He grunts in pain, his blue eyes glaring at me but I ignore him.

The flesh around his stump is blackened from frostbite. I can feel the cold stemming from it without having to touch it. Part of a frozen bone protrudes from the stump, churning my stomach. Flakes of darkened flesh gently peel away from the wound. It's already beginning to fester.


"Because he's my friend, Rip," Snart mutters darkly pulling out of my grip, "Or he was."

Rip spins around growling under his breath.

"You lied to us," Ray says quietly.

"I never actually said that I killed him," Snart says coldly.

I send him a significant look and he looks away.

"Yeah but you made us believe you killed him," Jax growls.

"Wasn't too hard actually," Snart retorts, shifting uncomfortably.

"It doesn't matter now," Sara interrupts, "What matters is whether or not we can save Mick."

Snart scoffs.

"Mick's gone," he says a far off look appearing in his eye before they harden, "And he has been. For a long time."

"We can still save him," Kendra interjects, "We can bring him back!"

I feel doubt writhing within me like a sea monster in the ocean.

Can we save Mick? He's so far gone.

"I agree with Miss Lance and Miss Saunders," Stein says finality evident in his tone, "Let's undo the foul work that the Time Masters have done to Mr. Rory."

"It's a waste of time!" Snart says grouchily.

I elbow him and open my mouth to speak.

"It'll be hard," I say slowly.

Snart scoffs under his breath, "That's the understatement of the century" and I elbow him again.

"I'm in," Jax says firmly.

"Me too," adds Ray.

Rip looks around at us before sighing heavily.

"Miss Jones is correct," he says quietly, "This task will prove difficult perhaps even impossible however there is a slim chance we can succeed. A very slim chance."

"That's all we need," Jax smirks.

"Right," Snart growls from his corner.


"Ah yes Mr. Snart please take a seat and place your arm under the scanner-no under the scanner-yes, yes there you go," Rip says in a rush, breezing past me to reach a touch screen control panel.

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