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This pic motivates me...occasionally or else it just gets me to surf the web looking for more pictures of Loki...because I'm a 16 year old girl with no life (insert overly happy smiley face here)...this attitude is totally not coming from the fact that school starts tomorrow. 😑

-A thoroughly depressed, tired and overly-emotional-author-who-writes instead-of-fixing-her-problems-and has-FRICKING-Popular-from-Wicked stuck-in-her-head-while-she's-trying to-sleep

La, la, la laaaa I'm going to bash my head in with a sonic screw driver

Ray Palmer is up and about by the time Snart and I get up to the main deck. He seems like he's doing pretty well even after his close shave with being nearly iced by The Pilgrim. However his face is still white as a sheet as he screams at Rip.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WAS NEVER YOUR INTENTION!" He bellows. Spit flecks fly out his mouth as he screams in the captain's face.

Rip for his part is trying to stay as calm and collected as he can while being attacked by flying projectiles of wet grossness.

After a taking a deep breath, and waiting for Ray to run out of steam, he speaks.

"Mr. Palmer-"

"No, Rip! I don't want to hear your excuses!" Ray snarls as he gets closer to Rip's face. His dark eyes flash with anger.

"I. Want. Her. Off. This. Ship."

Rip glares back at him as a tired looking Jax walks into the room.

Jax glances at me and smiles slightly as I grin widely and wave at him. Snart bumps me unnecessarily and I glare at him. 

"I can't do that," Rip says through gritted teeth.


"Because if I make another stop back to 2014, the Time Masters will notice and send more people after us! For her safety I will not yet send her back because the Time Masters will most likely kill her in her own timeline which could end up killing us in 2046!  Rip growls, "Therefore the safest spot for Miss Palmer is on this ship or at our safe haven!"

"Which is?" Snart interjects.

Everyone turns to face him and he smiles cheekily back.

"Sorry, to interrupts ladies but I want answers. And I want them now," he says his tone dropping its usual sarcastic manner to pick up a darker underlying threat. 

"What are your queries, Mr. Snart?" Rip asks in a tired voice.

"Why haven't we picked up you or Kendra like we died everyone else? Where's this mysterious "haven" and how do know it's a safe place for us?" Snart fires off immediately.

Rip runs a hand across his face slowly before answering.

"Kendra reincarnated therefore it would be pointless to murder her also her death would in fact hurt the timeline the most out of us-aside from me."

Everyone's eyes narrow and Rip coughs awkwardly before continuing.

"I am already at this haven, which is known as the Refuge," he explains slowly, "Rest assured, your younger selves will come to no harm whilst they are there."

"And we're just supposed to trust you?" Snart asks coldly.

"Yes," Rip replies quickly, "Is there a problem?"

"I don't trust someone without a past," Snart replies.

"You don't trust at all," I mutter just loud enough for him to hear.

Snart shoots me a look but I ignore it as Ray butts in again.

"Sorry but I want to know why my sister is here! And why she's not going back to 2014!"

"Mister Palmer," Rip nearly yells, "I explained this to you already! She must stay here for the meantime for her safety! As for how she got here? Ask Miss Jones!"

My jaw drops.

How dare he pin this on me!

Ray turns to face me a betrayed look on his face.

"Kari?" He asks quietly, "Y-you brought Ronnie here?"

"What?" I say pulling my jaw up from the floor, "No! I didn't! She saved Sara and I's arses then we left! We didn't even see her-"

"You didn't make sure she stayed? You didn't find someone to watch her?" Ray says angrily, "She's a kid, Karoline! How couldn't you have thought to make sure she was safe? That's she wasn't following you?"

At this point he turns to glare at Sara.

"And you!" He snaps, jabbing a finger her direction, "I thought you were trained to notice people! How didn't you notice a thirteen year old girl following you?"

Sara's expression hardens.

"I was a bit busy running back to the WaveRider with a concussion," she snarls, "Also I thought that she would be smart enough to stay put! Apparently she's not as smart as you think she is!"

Ray moves to run at Sara but Jax and Mick pull him back.

"Easy, Rookie," Mick growls pulling him back, "As much as I want to see you get your arse kicked by he assassin, now's not the time."

His beady eyes flick up to meet Rip's.

"We have somewhere to go," he finishes.

Rip nods curtly and turns around, flashing his coat around.

"Find a seat everyone. Mr. Palmer please find a seat away from Miss Jones and Miss Lance."

Ray sends me a hurt look before sitting down beside Mick and letting his body sag against the metal seat. His face is drawn and pale now as the surge of adrenaline dies down. His eyes are glossy and I can he's close to breaking down.

That's the second teammate that's broken. Not good for the other six of us.

As my eyes slide shut against the rough jolt through time, I catch myself wondering, Who's next?

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