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"Look out below!" Raymond yells.

Mick groans loudly but his irritation fake. He's as glad as I am to see a friendly face.

"Hey guys!" Ray says with a bit less of his normal perkiness. He fires something into the crowd sending a few soldiers flying. "How's is going?"

Mick and I share a look before glaring at Ray.

"Oh I don't know Raymond," I say sarcastically back. A guard cries out in pain as my fist makes contact with his jaw. "I think we're feeling just peachy as we're being surrounded by people trying to kill us."

Ray chuckles nervously.

"So you wouldn't be upset if I flew you out of here?"

This catches me off guard and I foolishly stand still in shock for a couple valuable seconds. Mick's warning to watch out comes too late and a fist slams into my side bringing me sharply back into reality.

"Kari!" Ray cries from somewhere above me.

I groan in reply, struggling to get to my feet. My knife has skittered across the floor, lost in the sea of feet and corpses.

A large, gloved hand reaches down and wraps around my bicep, dragging me to my feet.

"Thanks," I mumble hazily, patting Mick on the chest.

He rolls his eyes and fires away into the crowd while Ray makes his way over.

"We need to go," Ray says immediately. He shares a look with Mick then glances at me.

"What?" I mumble. Realization sparks in my brain and I try to push away from Mick but his grip is like iron. "Mick, let go."

"Get her out of here," Mick growls handing me over to Ray. His dark eyes are hard. "Then get your arse back here."

Ray nods in reply taking my arm.

I strain to free myself fighting him.

"No! No Mick! Mick what're you doing?"

He glares at me.

"Saving your arse for Snart. Don't think for a second this is for you," He growls.

I stare at him, my heart sinking fast. There's no way to change his mind. This could be the last time I ever see him. After everything we've been through, everything that's happened. From that bar in the seventies to the Gulag in Russia to Chronos on the other WaveRider.

After all that, I still can't think of a word to say.

"Get out of here, Jones," Mick growls but there's no venom in his tone. The statement is almost soft. Almost.

Ray rises off the floor taking me with him but I'm still staring down at Mick. He's staring up at me, then the tide of guards claims his attention and he turns away.

Ray and fly out of the room away from Mick and down the hallway before landing beside other people. My shock has subsided slightly, replaced by resolve.

Mick sacrificed himself for me. No one else is going to have to do that.
No one is going to get left behind. We're all getting out of here.


"Kari! Ray! Thank Odin!"

Kendra, wings outspread is standing beside Stein. Both are looking anxious as we land somewhat gently down on the floor next to them.

"We don't have time to talk."

I stare around at everyone, my pulse ticking like a watch in my wrist, reminding me of what little time we have.

Kendra frowns irritably at me.

"I know," she says brusquely. She nods at Stein. "That's why you're going to The WaveRider with Stein while Ray and I get the others."

"No," I retort. I stare her right in the eye. "Not yet. I have to go destroy The Oculus." I close my eyes, seeing her about to protest.

"Please Kendra. We don't have much time. You need to go get the rest of the team and Stein needs to go and get The WaveRider. I need to get to The Oculus to save-" I pause then speak, "Jax, Jax is there and I need to save him."

"What?" Stein interjects. He stares at me. "How can you be certain?"

"It'll take to long to explain, so just trust me," I reply firmly. I stare around at the three people and smile faintly. "Please."

They stare at me, then Ray steps forwards and pulls me into a hug.

"I don't doubt you, Kari," he whispers before pulling away. He smiles sadly before giving me a serious look. "I'll see you soon."

I nod as he shrinks and zooms down the hall before I turn towards Kendra. Her eyes are full of tears as she grabs me for a hug.

"This isn't goodbye," She mutters in my ear.

I chuckle back.

"It better not be."

Laughing, we pull apart and slowly she begins to float upwards, her wings moving soundlessly.

"I'll see you soon!" I say smiling faintly; not knowing if my promise will stand.

She laughs lightly but there's fear in her eyes and nervousness in the way her wings are fluttering.

"Goodbye Kari," she says-then with a final look over her shoulder at me, she's gone. 

Finally, I turn to Stein. He's watching me through watery eyes.

"You're really certain?" He whispers.

I nod, swallowing hard.

"He'll be there."

Stein barely stifles a choked sob.

"Thank you," he says quietly.

"I care about him too," I reply just as quietly.

Stein smiles, his eyes almost twinkling behind his glasses.

"I never doubted it."

Then with a brief handshake, we go our separate ways.

Him to The WaveRider and me to saving one of my best friends.


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