This Isn't Right

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You know how at the climax of every movie one character says, This could not get any worse and then it does?

That quote literally my life.

I mean things are bad enough already, you know, with being kidnapped by a sadistic, time traveling, recently deceased, bounty hunter, being brainwashed, nearly being killed by my brainwashed boyfriend, nearly getting killed five dozen times since then, having to deal with a concussed Raymond Palmer and a killer headache caused by my oh so wonderful boyfriend.

But yeah, it couldn't get any worse, right?


"This isn't funny, Princess," Snart growls, struggling to reach his cold gun while holding up a woozy Raymond.

"Uh oh," Ray mumbles again, slumping forwards in Snart's grip. His eyes are focused on the doorway ahead. The stomping feet of soldiers pounding towards us, echoes from the hallway. Jax runs towards the door, staring down it, attempting to gauge the amount of time we have.


Grunting, Snart glares at me.

"You have any brilliant ideas, Princess?" He growls, "'Cause we're gonna need them soon."

Panicking, I look around the room, desperate for something useful. My eyes catch on another doorway then continue on their sweep. The ships are too heavy, the machine parts too small, the dead guards-Oh ho.

"KARI, THEY'RE GETTING CLOSER!" Jax screams from his spot near the door. His terrified brown eyes fasten on me before widening in confusion.

"What the he-"

Five soldiers, solidified in blocks of ice, glide over the floor towards the opening.

Jax watches open mouthed as one by one they slam into the control panel. Thankfully, he has enough sense to cover his face as the first body smashes into bits of frozen flesh and ice.

"THAT'S YOUR IDEA?" Snart screams over the sound of brittle bones and crackling circuits. "TO TRAP US IN HERE LIKE RATS?"

The last body hurtles through the air, smashing with one final, bone jarring crash into the panel. Electricity spits and snarls in the air as the doors to the hanger slowly slide shut, blocking the new onslaught of guards.

Weariness hits me like a bowling ball to the gut. My muscles seize up from the strain. I guess not eating for a day, being gassed, not sleeping and being nearly killed half a million times takes a toll on you.

"There's another way out," I say, bending over my knees, gasping for air.

"Yeah there's on over here!" Jax calls, supporting my promise. He gestures across the room at us, before pointing at the other exit.

Slowly, we limp our way across the hard floors. My pale and strained face stares up at me from the pale tile beneath my boots. Feet dragging, back aching and body feeling like it's dying, I get a two second break to rest beside Jax.

"Guys, there's a problem with this way out," he says slowly.

I throw my hands up into the air in disgust before letting out a scream of laughter.

"When isn't there a problem?" I grouch, stalking my way forwards.

Snart follows, his hand on his holster and eye on the hanger behind us.

"This, this doesn't seem like a sm-sm-smart idea," Ray mumbles, looking ahead.

He's not wrong. The hallway ahead branches into two separate corridors. Odin knows what's down either one. Worry begins to fester within my chest, threatening to tear me apart. The direness of our situation has finally registered.

We're trapped onboard some weird Star Warsy base that's controlled by people who want us dead.

We're hopelessly outnumbered and seemingly abandoned by our teammates (Yeah blaming Rip for that one).

And to put the strawberry on the cake (because screw cherries), we're running on adrenaline. I mean once that's gone, hunger, fatigue and most likely death are gonna set in. Fast.

My worry morphs into terror. I can't lead this group. I'm no leader. Heck, I'm not even a hero. I'm just a silly blonde girl who's going to get her friends killed. Or worse.

"Princess, you and Jax go left, Ray and I will go right," Snart says, shattering the silence.

Indignation flies through me.

"No!" I argue, eyes flashing. "We're not splitting up!"

Snart sucks in a deep breath, fully prepared to argue.

"Look, Princess, it's our best move. Before you try argue, think for once."

I grimace at the insult and he frowns, regretting his words. But then he just steamrolls on.

"If we split up and a pair of us gets caught, the others can attempt to rescue them. But, if we stay together and all get caught, we're all dead. Personally, I like not being dead and would like to keep it that way."

I bite my lip, wracking my brain for an argument. My gut loathes the idea of splitting up but Snart's right, it's our smartest move.

"Why can't I go with Ray?" Jax asks out of the blue. He glances at me briefly. "I can carry him if I need to."

Snart shakes his head and I intervene for him.

"You don't have a weapon. You'd be defenseless," I sigh, begrudgingly accepting the soundness of Snart's plan. "If I go with you, I can protect us both with my powers. And if Snart takes Ray, he can use his gun."

Snart nods, shooting me a look. Our eyes meet and without words, we say goodbye. My stomach turns over on itself.

This isn't right.

Coughing to break the quick silence, Snart pulls Ray's arm over his shoulder and starts moving down the right hallway.

Jax goes left but I stand still, staring after Snart, not wanting to move.

He sends me one last look and for the smallest of seconds, smiles. Almost as if to say, "It's gonna be fine."

But I know deep down, it's not.

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