Discussing the Impossible

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Anger is powerful. Very powerful. But when it's combined with telekinesis...well things fly...

In my case, people flew. I'm actually quite proud to say that I managed to send nine guards skyward before they could pin me.

And then knock me out.

And drag me to a cell.

My marvelous, new cell is smaller than the last one. All of the sides are covered with thick glass. Metal reinforcements are built along the sides and guard the back. At that the front of the cell there's a little door attached to the glass.

I've been trying to break that glass for the last hour.

"Princess, give it up already,"  Snart growls as I slam my fist against the shield.

Apparently him and Ray were captured not too long before Jax and I. Ray's slow pace hadn't gotten them anywhere so when the guards saw them, they had no choice but to surrender.

Snart sighs as I ignore him and punch the glass again, gritting my teeth against the stinging of my knuckles. He's sitting down in his cell, with his legs spread and hands folded on his chest. His blue eyes are slits as he glares at me.


"We can't," I reply darkly. My fist unclenches and slides down the glass. I glance over at him.

"We don't have time to sit around."

Snart's brows draw together.

"What are you talking about?" Ray interjects. He seems to be doing a lot better than he did a few hours ago. Almost back to his old self. He looks from Jax's stony expression to mine. "Why can't we just sit and wait for the others to come and get us?"

One quick glance at Jax tells me that he's about as excited to tell everyone what we saw, as I am. Snart slowly gets to his feet, his boots scraping loudly against the floor of his cell.

"What happened when we separated?" He asks suspiciously.

Bile rises in my throat, clogging my airway and putting a stopper in my speech. Fear creeps up my spine at the thought of The Oculus. Determining choices before I can even make them-it repulses me. Freedom is essential to me. It's like air. Without it I won't survive.

I want to shiver just at the mention of the foul machine. But I don't.

I open my mouth and speak instead.

"We found out how the Time Masters always found us," I begin slowly. Seeing Ray's confused look, I elaborate.

"How they always knew where to send Mick."

Ray's brow clears but Snart's eyes narrow.

"How'd they do it, Jones?" He asks darkly.

I lower my eyes to the floor. The truth is crazy. Downright insane.

So it'll almost sound normal when it comes out of my mouth.

"They have a machine that predicts the future for them," I sigh. I close my eyes. "Which means they've been manipulating us this entire time."

There's a loud intake of breath from Snart's cell that makes us all look up. He glares angrily back at us.

"So we're totally screwed," he snarls irritably. "Of course." Scowling, he turns away, placing his hands on the glass. He suddenly kicks the wall making me jump.

Seeing his cool composure crack, scares me. His anger radiates through his cell, reaching towards Ray, Jax and I, ready to attack.

That's when Ray steps in.

"That's not possible. We made choices, most of the time, random decisions. There's no way a machine can figure out or "decide" our futures for us!" He states sharply. His hands are shaking as he balls them into fists.

"I don't know about that, Raymond," Snart drawls as he slides his back down the wall. He sits with his knees folded up to his chest and his arms crossed overtop. He sends him a sardonic smile. "You're-I mean-we're, pretty predictable."

Ray shoots him a look and Snart leans back against the glass, closing his eyes but smiling faintly.

Ray looks back at me, pleadingly.

"There's no way they can tell the future, can they?" He asks quietly.

I exhale slowly through my nose. Closing my eyes, I strain to remember everything that I saw in the Oculus.

Jax appearing like a white gossamer in be midst of the light. Ghost Jax falling forwards, screaming. Then real Jax stepping up beside me and almost actually falling forwards into the Oculus.

"Hang on," I say slowly. A glimmer of hope rises within me. "The Oculus only showed me one possible outcome of the future! Maybe, maybe it's limited to just one!"

"Then we can destroy it!" Jax interjects.


Everyone's heads snaps towards Snart just as his eyes open. He leans forwards, his arms across his knees.

"The kid's wrong. We can't destroy it because we don't know which version of the future it's showing the Time Masters. We'd be playing right into the their hands," Snart says slowly.

Sighing, I press my forehead into the glass, looking at Snart through it. The spark of hope has been extinguished. I turn my head towards Snart, my forehead squeaking on the glass.

"So what do we do?"

Snart stares back at me.

"We wait for the others," he replies slowly. His voice hardens as he continues.

"And then we get the hell out of here."

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