Cup o Joe

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As if expecting an attack the man beside Jax shoots his gun. Straight at my heart.

Instantly I bring the table beside us upwards shielding myself from the bullet. Screams of terror echo through Starbucks and in three seconds everyone is scrambling for the door.

In the chaos I manage to lose Jax and his captor. However the other man refuses to give up and tries shooting me again. This time I manage to use my powers and fling a full pot of coffee at him. He shrieks in pain as the hot liquid boils on his skin. His gun stays firmly in his hand but in the instant he looks away I leap over the counter. Crouching down, I pull my communicator out of my pocket and jam it in my ear.

"Rip! Rip come in!" I hiss hoarsely.

Crackling static is my answer and I peer carefully over the marble counter top. People are fighting tooth and nail trying to escape the sudden war zone. I duck back down as a voice comes over my earpiece.

"This is Q, what do you need Mr. Bond?"

"Hilarious Raymond," I mumble peering over the counter again.

Both the men are trying to keep Jax still. One slams his fist into Jax's mouth and I wince as I hear a crack.

"She escaped," Jax says through a bloody mouth, "You're boss isn't gonna be to happy about that."

I duck back down after hearing another grunt of pain.

"Shut up!" The one man snarls.

"Kari! Where are you?" Ray asks hurriedly, "We were supposed to meet back here ages ago!"

I wince as I hear another gasp of pain from Jax.

"We stopped for Starbucks."

"Oooooh please tell me you got me some," Kendra begs.


"Hi Kari."

"Hi," I say abstractly trying to pull my knife out of its holster, "Any chance one of ya'll can stop by here and help us out. Jax and I might have accidently gotten ourselves cornered by I'm guessing some of Savage's goons."


I wince at the eight different yells.

"Whoopsie?" I chuckle nervously.

"Princess when we get there you and I are going to have a chat that you're not going to enjoy," Snart says in an angry tone.

"Lenny!" I whisper joyfully, "Hurry up please I think-"

I pause.

An eerie silence has fallen over the empty cafe.

The other voices have stopped talking.

There are no more grunts of pain from Jax.

The smell of coffee surges through my nose as a brown drop lands on my lap.

"Kari?" Ray questions but I press the button on the side of my mic shutting it down.

Hopefully they tracked it by now.

Another brown dot appears on my jeans.

Swallowing hard I look up.

Suited guy number 2 now named Joe had a gun trained on me, the coffee I spilt on him slowly dripping down his jacket sleeve and onto me.

Another drop lands on my nose and I carefully lift my hand to wipe it off.

"Don't. Try. Anything," he hisses cocking the gun, "Drop the knife."

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