A Blonde with a Bruise

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^Truth...anyone else watching season 4 of Sherlock???

"COME OUT NOW!" A voice screams.

I move to obey but Snart pulls me back. His hand wraps around my wrist slowly pulling me towards himself. He raises his finger to his lips.

My heart pounds in my chest, hammering against the cold floor
of the hanger. We're gonna get shot like fish in a barrel under here.

I try to communicate my confusion through a look but Snart's too busy staring out from under the ship at our soon to be murderers.

"What are we still doing under here?" I hiss angrily. "They're gonna kill us!"

Snart rolls his eyes before turning towards me. His face is set, determination filling every line.

"They weren't talking to us," he mutters. He lists his head to the left. "Take a look."

I follow his gaze and have to stop myself from jumping in surprise.

The guards have Jax and Ray surrounded. Jax has a nasty black eye as his reward for trying to escape but Ray looks alright.

"We can rescue them," I sat quietly, moving forward.

Snart wrenches me back as two sets of feet storm past the front of our ship.

My pulse skyrockets in alarm. Gut tightening, I glance over my shoulder at Snart, who sends me a "nice going, idiot" look.

"Thanks," I whisper as I now cautiously peer around before dragging myself out from under the ship.

But, being the graceful idiot that I am, I hit my head when I crawl out. Stars flash in my vision as I massage the back of my aching skull.

"Gosh darn it," I groan. I fall back against the ship, my eyelids squeezed tightly over my eyes. Slowly, I blink everything back into focus.

"Smooth, Princess, real smooth," Snart says, casing the room and plotting our next move.

"Thanks for warning me," I growl back, following him as he slowly jogs around the ship.

A guard appears and Snart slams his gun into his face, knocking him out cold (ehehe see what did there?). I catch the guard and lower him silently to the ground.

"Warn you that you're as clumsy as they come and unbelievably accident prone?" Snart smirks.

I glare up at him. His blue eyes are twinkling.

"Shut up."

Quietly laughing, he peeks around the corner.  Almost immediately, he jerks back around, his smile gone. He holds up four fingers and shoots me a look.

One sharp nod later and we're out from behind our shield, using surprise as our advantage. The four guards barely have time to breathe, let alone fire their guns, before we take them out. Unfortunately, the other guards spot us and let out a yell that fills the room.

Our element of surprise gone, Snart and I take off towards Ray and Jax.

Jax spots us immediately and starts waving for us to get out of here. His struggling against his guards earns him nothing but a bloody nose to match his bruised face.

Gunshots shake the room, bouncing at our feet. Sparks fly, blinding both us, and our favorite shooters/attempting murderers.

Jax has practically blown a blood vessel, screaming at us to leave him and Ray. However, you can't even hear his screams over the sound of the gunshots pounding the room.

Guards flank Snart and I on both sides. Throwing my arms up, I manage to take out two unfortunate souls with my knives. The rest of the guards freeze in place, unable to move for a tenuous two seconds before Snart finally decides to use his gun.

A huge sigh escapes my lips when finally the last soldier is a frozen corpse.

"Took you long enough," I gripe, slowly walking towards Jax, who's supporting Ray.

Snart doesn't answer, his eyes flicking from the staggering Jax to the exits scattered around the room.

"Kari!" Jax bellows angrily as he reaches us. He shrugs off Ray to Snart.

"Why didn't you two run? Huh?" He glares at Snart, who is watching him through slightly amused eyes. He jabs a finger in the criminal's direction. "You could've run and gotten out of here! Why didn't you leave?"

I gape at the kid. My mouth opens and shuts over and over. Anger floods my system making it impossible to form words.

Snart steps in.

"Because she won't leave anyone behind." His eyes flash. "You're a little slow so here I'll break it down for you. When we have to make a sacrifice play, she's the one to make it. And if you've got a problem with that, try it some time."

His words evaporate in the air before leaving the room to be filled with a tense silence. Almost as though the ships are anticipating the next shouting match. They eagerly loom over us.

It's too quiet.

And I, being the blonde I am, totally miss it.

"Uh oh," Ray mumbles, lifting a trembling finger behind us.

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