The War Begins

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It's been three days since we dropped off our younger selves at The Refuge. Not much has happened. Little me threw a tantrum when she found out she had to leave Jax before latching onto a teenage Mick. He was thrilled...............Not.

The ship is dead. Not literally but it feels dead. No one talks unless we're snapping at each other for "breathing too loudly".

Sara actually sent Ray to the med bay with a bloody nose for peering over her shoulder when she was polishing her knives. Personally I think she should have stabbed him in the face instead of head butting him because he was critiquing her cleaning job but she let him off easy.

With a very bloody possibly broken nose.

Rip has been going berserk because Ronnie has hidden herself on the ship and refuses to come out. He wanted to leave her at The Refuge but since no one could find her, that didn't happen.

So now we're all stuck...on the WaveRider...with an angsty teenager...

I have a particularly bad feeling about today when I open my eyes. Stretching, I get up and try to distract myself by going through the motions of a normal morning. I brush my hair, teeth, use the toilet, take a shower, dry off, change into clean clothes and give myself the once over in the mirror.

As I stare at the young woman before me, complete with a short, ratty blonde hair, a nose, two eyes and a mouth with chapped pink lips, and too many flipping freckles, I feel that sense of dread creep up my spine.

"What the crap is wrong with me?"
I mumble to my doppelgänger in the mirror. My reflection shrugs back at me before pushing off of the marble sink and heading towards the door.

The dread increases as I get through the mess Sara and I call a room and make it to the next door. The hallway swings wide and I immediately take a step out.

Well I try to.

My foot snags on something and the next thing I know is I'm falling face first into the hallway.

My hands slam painfully into the metal flooring before being followed by my poor knee caps and absless stomach. Wheezing for air, that had been so elegantly smashed from my lungs, I try to sit up. With trembling arms, I do a half push up, trying to sit on my butt.

Glaring at the doorway, I rub my sore knees and hands. My eyes fasten on the instigator of my pain and I feel my body start to tremble with rage.


Well that's wrong actually. It's not "
'some freaking brainiac'.

It's a, 'soon to be dead moron'.

With a growl of barely contained rage, I stand up and hobble towards the main deck.

Ray peeks out of the infirmary and waves.

"Hey Kari! You look mad what happened? Did Sara hit you too? Or was it-?"

I don't let him finish and with a flick of my wrist, he's flying backwards into the med bay. There's a loud crash and the screech of a cart wheels before being followed by a earsplitting metallic smash.

I hear a strangled groan as I storm by.

"I think you somehow managed to break my nose again."

Hey Legends! Guess who got Instagram? Haha my first social media site! WHOOOOA...haha...

My username is christianbooknerd221!

If anyone cares 😂

I'll try to keep updating this story! Once a week? I'll see what happens!

Love ya'll! Stay awesome!

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