Chapter 6: His New Attraction

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The tension was broken when Ellika's phone rang. Hisoka smirked having enjoyed the mini showdown the two Zoldyck assassins had. He licked his lips at the idea of having to fight either of the two.

"Hello, Mother." Ellika answered not taking her eyes off of Illumi who now calmed down and went to pour himself a glass of wine she put the phone into loudspeaker mode as she continued to eat the fruits on the bar counter.

"Ellika dear. Killua ran away!" Their mother cried into her phone. "He even attacked me and Milluki! Can you believe it?! Me?!" Disbelief and anger were laced in her voice. "Should I raise the alert levels and have him taken back?"

"Mother, calm down. Father has instructed Illu-nii to follow Kil and make sure he doesn't get himself killed." Ellika stated with fake sympathy. Illumi and Hisoka watch the silver-haired woman freeze her wine and turn it back to normal while talking.

"He attacked me, Ellika. How could Killua do such a cruel thing to Mama?" Kikyo cried "He must be taken back here immediately."

"Mama, you should actually be proud of him." Ellika said with a smirk as she watched her wine freeze. "Killua had his objective and did what was necessary to gain it. He did not let blood relations slow him down. Don't you think he's becoming a better assassin and heir? Being so cold. You should be proud that you have such an emotionally detached son that will not let anything stop him from getting what he wants. Don't you think he follows so well after his onee-chan?" She purred the last three words as her whole glass was covered with ice.

"You're absolutely right, my sweet Elli! How could Mama be so selfish and unreasonable?!" Kikyo replied her sobs stopping as if she realized the secret to immortality. "I can see my little Kil now being so strong like his onee-chan. This is wonderful!"

Illumi's usual unemotional face was now in an irritated frown. He hated how easily Ellika could manipulate their family and he was stuck with cleaning up her games. And if Killua ended up like Ellika, Illumi knew trouble would ensue. He glared at his younger sister as she comforted their mother.

"Don't be sad now, Mama. You just didn't expect Killua to become this smart and strong so early on. You should let him do as he pleases for now. He'll actually learn more from this. Trust me on this." Ellika purred to her mother.

"Of course! I see now, my dear Elli. You never fail to make Mama happy." Kikyo said happily.

"I'll check on him now, Illu-nii will keep watch of him to make sure he doesn't get killed. Don't worry, Mother. I promised Papa I'd protect Kil." Ellika said with a self-satisfied smile. Hisoka was amused how she turned their mother's feeling of anger and disbelief to admiration and pride. He wasn't wrong picking her as his prized possession. The woman was filled with mischief and manipulation. Her power also ignited his lust. He knew she was holding back even now with her standoff with Illumi.

"I understand now, Elli. I'll leave Killua to you and Illumi. Come home soon my precious doll. Mama has gotten you new dresses and kimonos to wear." Kikyo said happily. "Kalluto misses his onee-chan as well."

"I will. Make sure he trains. Goodbye, Mother." Ellika replied ending the call.

"One day, I will get you back for all this trouble, Ellika." Illumi warned his sister who proceeded to tackle him and cuddle him as he sat on the couch. He sighed irately at her childish actions.

"I'm just indulging Kil's wishes." Ellika replied as she laid her head on Illumi's lap. Illumi just stared at Hisoka who watched them as he now shuffled his cards.

"You are too soft on him, Ellika." He said as he flicked Ellika's forehead. "I should put a needle on your head as well." Ellika swatted his hand away.

"You're too hard on him, Illumi." She replied frowning at him as she crossed her arms. "Besides, you were no better than me when we were children. I told you that riding Mike would make me happy, so you threw me on him without even hesitating. Papa and Mother were not happy. We were not allowed to go out the manor for days and we literally got whipped."

Illumi sighed remembering the silly wishes her sister would usually ask of him and he followed because he knew she wouldn't stop bothering him until he complied. She turned spoiled rotten because of him and his family.

"Zoldyck children should not be playing around you two should be training. Bleh." Ellika mumbled as she mocked their mother when they got caught. "At least Papa was impressed that I was able to hang on to Mike without falling. Good aim by the way. Mike was moving so fast that time."

"Father has always been soft on you. Saying that the only reason you were not named heir was because of your gender." Illumi said as he pulled on Ellika's silver hair. "I was actually hoping that you would've gotten maimed by Mike by then. You were so annoying."

"Well, I've already apologized to Grandfather about that. I told him I was sorry for having a v instead of a p." She mumbled again as she tried to swat Illumi's hand away. He didn't stop and kept tugging his sister's silver hair. "As if Mike can harm me." "Hisoka chuckled at the siblings who glared at each other.

"At least Grandfather can actually make you behave. Even for a little while." Illumi said as he stopped and blinked at his sister who tugged at his hair.

"You try being sent to a mission halfway across the globe with only a phone and no money. I've stopped apologizing about my gender when he did that." She said as she smirked while pinching Illumi's face.

"You're bothersome and annoying, Ellika." He said as he slapped her hand away.

Ellika scoffed at him. "Please, you wouldn't have me in any other way." Illumi smirked at her as she now went to Hisoka and chose him as a new target to annoy.

"Hello, Hisoka~" She purred as she sat beside him. Hisoka smirked at her, his amber eyes roaming her body.

"Ellika~" He replied with the same tone.

"You're going to take the Hunter Exam's with Illumi?" She asked tilting her head, a calculated move to make her look cute. She always used this on her targets and she noted it was effective.

Hisoka chuckled at his prized possession. She was more entertaining the longer he knew her.

"Yes. Will you be joining us, Ellika?" Hisoka purred as he hid his cards in his pockets.

"I wish. But I already have my license. I took it for a mission three years ago." She replied showing a license. She was a Blacklist Hunter. Although he knew she wasn't active. "I'm going to Heavens Arena next week to defend my floor." She grinned excitedly. "I'm excited to fight this woman who's out to get me for making her boyfriend fall for me and then killing him." Her bloodlust showed in her bright blue eyes. Hisoka could barely contain his lust and wasn't sure how long before he would need to ravish her, but Illumi's presence was a complication.

"Ellika go check on Killua." Illumi ordered as he prepared his disguise.

"Okay. I'll head out now." She stood up taking her coat. She smirked at Hisoka. "I'll see you soon, Hisoka."

Illumi watched his sister leave and looked at Hisoka who wore a familiar look on his face.

"She is attracted to power. That is why she deems you worthy of her time." Illumi stated watching the jester carefully.

"It seems it's mutual then." Hisoka purred as he contained his lust.

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