Chapter 24: Her New Motivation

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She was thankful she changed to her normal clothes as she walked towards where she felt Hisoka's presence. It was rather chilly that night.

She sprinted when she felt him near.

"Hisoka!" She greeted as she approached him. Hisoka smirked holding a map in his hand.

"Ellika." He greeted her noting her change of clothes. Ellika looked at all the dead hunters around her.

"You're still assisting, Illu-nii?" She asked pouting which made Hisoka chuckle.

"Is there a problem, Ellika?" He purred

"I want to change your mind about helping Illu-nii." She said with a mischievous smile.

"Hm. I guess you can persuade me." Hisoka smirked at Ellika.

He looked at the map in his hand already thinking of a way to trick Illumi. Ellika watched him curiously. He sighed when Illumi said he had his own map, which foiled Hisoka's plan. Hisoka shrugged at a frowning Ellika. She sighed and gestured that he followed her.

"At least you tried. I'll just have to make sure Illumi does not kill my ototo." Ellika said as they walked through the forest.

A pro hunter spotted them. Ellika jumped onto a branch not wanting to interfere. Hisoka killed the hunter with ease and they stood listening to the conversation from the dead hunter's communicator.

"More like one." Hisoka said when he heard a man accuse Illumi of hiring several strong fighters.

"I really should've hired you even when I didn't need your help." Ellika grumbled annoyed. "It would've made things harder for Illu-nii."

Hisoka only smirked at her as she jumped out the tree.

"Come. My ototo's life is still at stake. Not to mention Gon's." She said running to where she felt Killua and Alluka's presence. "I should really thank Grandfather for training me on tracking specific nen in a large radius." She saw the needlemen and took them out. She saw Killua and Alluka inside the car and Illumi walking towards them.

"Stay here." Ellika growled. "Interfere and I will end you." Hisoka shivered at her threat. Ellika really did turn him on.

"Kil, you seem to be hiding something about Alluka's abilities." Illumi said as Killua and Alluka got out of the car.

Ellika growled and send ice shards to the needlemen killing them and making her presence known. She stood in front of Killua and Alluka protectively. Killua relaxed at Ellika's presence.

"How did you know we were here?" Killua demanded.

"If I tell you, will you give me Alluka?" Illumi answered

"Forget it." Killua growled.

"Ellika, I thought I told you to not interfere." Illumi narrowing his eyes at Ellika who stood protectively over Alluka.

"I thought I made it clear that I have direct orders from father to protect Killua." Ellika said her eyes narrowing. "I am their onee-chan."

Illumi glared at Ellika knowing he can't win if Ellika was given an intention to kill him.

Tsubone appeared with Amane.

"Your mother can see everything I see through my scope. She must have transmitted the video to Master Illumi." Tsubone explained.

"Bingo. Tsubone served as my spy." Illumi said cheerfully.

"Mother! I will destroy your dresses!" Ellika growled. Illumi smugly told Tsubone that she cannot remove it because their mother ordered her to wear it.

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