Chapter 27: Her New Possessiveness

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Ellika skipped happily to where she felt Hisoka's bloodlust. She saw he was against four nen masters. Eight dead bodies around him.

"Hisoka!" She greeted cheerfully and ran towards him her arms outstretched for a hug. Hisoka chuckled when she reached him. She cuddled him ignoring the enemies who stared at them with disbelief and annoyance.

"Hello, Ellika" Hisoka greeted her as he returned her hug.

"I missed you" She said purring as she cuddled him.

"Hey! How dare you ignore us?!" A woman wearing a skimpy corset top and tight shorts with fishnet stockings yelled at them.

Ellika stopped cuddling Hisoka and looked at their opponents. "Do you need help?" She asked to Hisoka who smirked at her before shaking his head. Ellika shrugged and walked to a tree ignoring their opponents. The four nen masters bristled at her actions. One threw knives at Ellika who leaned on a tree with her eyes closed. Cards deflected the knives and they stared at a smirking Hisoka.

"Please refrain from waking up my Ellika. She's rather tired." Hisoka said smirking at them. They stared at him in disbelief as they felt his possessiveness over Ellika before attacking him. He finished off the two other men after 15 minutes of battle. He now smirked at the woman and man.

"You're rather hot." The woman said flirtatiously to Hisoka. "Why not join us and have fun with me instead?"

Hisoka only smirked at her before dodging an attack by the man. The man was a conjurer, using swords to attack him from a distance. The woman was a transmuter who uses a ribbon-like hatsu that is used to restrain and strangle enemies. The two attacked Hisoka simultaneously. The two were faster and more agile than the two who recently he killed off. Hisoka dodged several swords only to be bound by the woman. His whole body was bound with her nen. She smirked as he fell down. Hisoka just looked at her impassively as she walked towards him.

She straddled him and smiled seductively. "As I was saying, why not join us instead? We can have so much fun together." She said in a sultry voice. She was about to kiss him when she was kicked in the gut making her fly into a tree.

"I take a nap and wake up to see an ugly slut trying to take advantage of my fiancé." Ellika said with her arms crossed. Hisoka smirked at her possessiveness. While the conjurer stared at her wide eyed. Ellika used her ice hatsu to remove the restraints on Hisoka. Hisoka stood up and pecked her before turning to the conjurer. "Normally, I'd let you have all the fun, but I don't like sluts trying to take what's mine."

The woman stood up still wincing from the kick. She growled at Ellika who smirked at her.

"You bitch! I'll get you for that." The woman yelled her nen directed towards Ellika. Ellika smiled freezing time. The woman saw her ribbons stop in midair and realized she couldn't move. The man stared at Ellika wide-eyed when he realized what she did.

"There are 55 in your little cult, correct?" Ellika said with a smile. "You two are no. 54 and 55. I was walking around the island disposing of the others after I got out of those annoying restraints you placed on me, your friend helped me, the blonde guy with blue eyes, thought I was going to join you for good."

Hisoka watched Ellika walk towards the girl. She stood in front of the transmuter and dropped her hold on time. The woman's eyes widened when Ellika grabbed her neck, lifting her off the ground. She tried to use her nen but was surprised when ice covered her body.

"Now, I'd like to make it clear, that I don't like dirty sluts touching what's mine." She said with a sadistic smile. Hisoka and the other man watched intently. Hisoka was ecstatic seeing Ellika's sadistic smile. He shivered anticipating the things he'll do to Ellika after she recovers.

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