Chapter 15: Her New Opponent

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"Target down." Ellika said into her phone

"Understood." Silva said as he looked at a file on his hands.

Ellika sighed ending the call. Her mission was to kill a businessman who had an affair. His wife was the one who hired the Zoldycks.

She kicked the dead body.

"Tch. You shouldn't really have affairs when your wife has contacts to powerful assassins. If I were the wife, I'd had him captured and tortured until he'd beg for his own pathetic life." She scoffed and turned to Hisoka who leaned on a wall with his eye closed. She approached him and placed her head on his chest wrapping her arms around his waist. She sighed as he let her hold her. "Say, Hisoka?"

"Yes, dearest Ellika?" He answered as he looked at her curiously.

"Will you ever want to get married?" She asked her face still buried on his chest.

Hisoka didn't answer. He thought why Ellika would ask him such a question. Ellika sighed again before letting him go. "I knew it." She turned around and walked towards the exit. Hisoka watched her walk in her high-heeled boots, her long silver hair in a high sleek ponytail.

"Marriage is a troublesome thing. For someone like me to get married, my partner must be able to defeat me in battle." Hisoka answered his face serious. Ellika was five feet away from him when he spoke, halting her in her tracks. She didn't turn to look at him. "The only time I will acknowledge someone as my partner is when someone is strong enough to defeat me."

Ellika pondered and then smiled softly. "I see." She said still not turning around. "This will be the last time I will hire you for a while. I have another mission after my match." With that she walked away leaving Hisoka to stare at her.

It was the day of Ellika's match. Killua and Gon were given special passes by Ellika so they could enter her floor before the match. They were allowed to go to Ellika's room to see her.

"Killua! Should I wear one of the kimonos Kalluto got for me or the cat costume to annoy Illu-nii if he sees the match?" Ellika called out as soon as Killua and Gon entered.

"I think you should annoy aniki." Killua said happily as they approached her bedroom. They froze when they saw Hisoka lounging on her bed.

"What is he doing here?!" Killua yelled pointing at Hisoka who smirked at them. He looked at the two boys and licked his lips which made the two shudder.

"Hisoka, behave." Ellika said sighing as she came out in a black fitted sleeveless leather body suit. The two boys blushed when they saw her while Hisoka didn't bother hiding his approval. She took out a pair of matching gloves and high-heeled boots. She stared at her mirror and placed her hair in a high ponytail. She then took out a pair of leather cat ear headband and placed it on her head. She grinned and looked at Killua and Gon who blushed.

"Too much?" She asked looking at her brother.

"I think you should lose the suit." Hisoka purred which made Killua look at him horrified.

"I wasn't asking for your input, Hisoka. But thank you for mentally scarring my ototo." Ellika said sighing and walking towards Killua and Gon. "Now, off to your seats. I'll show you what it takes to be a Floor Master. Did you invite your teacher and your new little friend?"

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