Chapter 14: His New Discovery

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Kastro was able to land a hit on Hisoka. Ellika didn't seem to be worried, she instead grinned.

"For someone who placed a billion Jenny on the person who got hit, you seem happy." Killua mumbled to Ellika who hummed. He noted that Kastro disappeared and reappeared.

"He's using nen." Ellika said plainly. "Look closely."

The fight continued now Hisoka's right arm was severed.

"How can he look so calm?!" Killua said frustrated

"Because Kastro will lose." Ellika said bluntly as Killua looked at her grinning face. She had so much faith in Hisoka it annoyed him. Hisoka proceeded to make a "satanic" trick. Killua looked wide eyed as he pulled a card from his injured arm.

"Show off!" Ellika yelled making Killua facepalm and Hisoka smirk. She sat down seemingly satisfied with herself.

"Are you not the least worried to lose a billion Jenny?" Killua muttered as they continued to watch Hisoka be hit and his other arm severed.

"He won't lose. The doppelganger Kastro is proud of as his secret weapon will be his own downfall." Ellika stated watching the fight. She smirked when Hisoka showed his right arm reattached.

"H-How?" Killua asked wide eyed.

"He used his nen." Ellika said vaguely. "Now watch." She said as Hisoka explained how he was able to know who was the real Kastro, Hisoka's blood was on Kastro's cloak. Killua can only watch with wide eyes as Hisoka hit Kastro and eventually kill him. "Don't be tricked too easily. Besides, if Kastro had been a nen genius like your nee-chan, he would've won. He pushed himself too hard." Killua gaped at his older sister who now winked at Hisoka who smirked at her.

"That was mildly entertaining." Ellika said as she stood up with a smirk. "Now, I have to claim my winnings and bother the winner. He seemed unamused that I went out with Kastro. I didn't calculate him killing Kastro. Shame. He wasn't half bad as well. I guess I should apologize after he gets his injuries tended to."

Killua watched his sister walk off with new found respect and fear. He knew how much of a genius his sister was, but he never knew that she was that calculating and manipulative, being able to play Hisoka into her palms.

Hisoka watched Machi reattach his arms. He thought back to Kastro and Ellika having dinner. The man was a fool for thinking that Hisoka's prized possession was in his grasps. Hisoka thought of a way to get back at his misbehaving toy. He asked Machi to go to dinner with him. Machi declined without second thought.

"Hello, Machi" Hisoka's object of obsession greeted the pink haired girl.

"Ellika Zoldyck" Machi looked at her surprised. Hisoka noticed the fear and awe from the usual stoic face of the Phantom Troupe member.

"Don't worry. I haven't been hired to kill you." Ellika said playfully as she stepped aside to let Machi pass but was surprised when the other girl hugged her, she happily returned the hug. "It's nice to see you again."

"You shouldn't hang around someone like him. He'll bring nothing but trouble" Machi said without emotion but Hisoka and Ellika saw a flicker of concern in her blank eyes. Ellika only smiled and patted her head. "I'll be off now. We'll talk next time."

"Take care. Don't hesitate to call me." Ellika purred at Machi who walked out. "Tell Chrollo I said hello."

"You know each other." Hisoka said as he examined his hands.

"I saved her life when she was like 12 and I was 10?" Ellika shrugged taking a seat across him. Hisoka raised his eyebrow at the girl. He didn't think Ellika would actually save someone.

"A man, who happened to be my target captured her." She shrugged. "I killed him with my nen, she insisted on following me around while I traced other targets in the area. I taught her the basics of nen. Her abilities proved useful, I kept her alive and left her with some money. I get free nen stiches for life that I haven't even used. Yay."

Hisoka looked at the silver haired woman. This new information made him smirk.

"Are you done playing hide and seek?" Hisoka purred at her not bothering to hide his annoyance

"We were playing?" She said innocently. Hisoka pushed her to the wall while she smirked.

"Careful, Machi won't reattach your arms if I were the one who cut them off." She said smirking. Knowing she was right he let her go but let her feel his bloodlust.

"How about I make it up to you?" Ellika purred. "Forgive me for accepting a lot of missions and leaving you bored. Also, did you really have to kill my marriage match?"

Hisoka smirked and licked his lips in anticipation not even giving her an answer. He used his newly reattached hands to take of her clothing as she took his off. He went into the bathroom as Ellika smirked.

"Nice tattoo." She said to him. "If only it was actually on your skin."

Hisoka smirked impressed at the assassin. He took of the fake skin and stuck it on the mirror then gestured for her to follow him.

"I'll play nice tonight. I earned a couple of billion Jenny without lifting a finger because of you." She said as she took the soap started to bathe him.

The next day Ellika walked around the city with a disinterested Hisoka behind her.

"Elli-nee!" A startled boy called. Ellika stared at the source of the voice.

"Hello, Killua." She patted his head as he glared at her. She walked to the two Hisoka following her but keeping a distance. "Hello, Gon"

Gon grinned at her then frowned as he saw Hisoka behind her.

"You know him, Elli-nee?" Gon asked curiously as Ellika took a bar of chocolate from Killua, making her younger brother attempt to take it back. Attempt being the keyword as she was now standing on a Killua lying face first on the pavement. Gon sweatdropped as he saw the two bickering.

"That'll teach you for not sharing and insulting your nee-chan for her choices in life." Ellika said arrogantly as she got off Killua.

"To answer your question Gon, yes." Ellika said as she now looked at Hisoka who was leaning on a lamp post and observing them with a smirk. "He is... a close friend of mine."

Killua glared at her while Gon looked at her in awe.

'Elli-nee must be really strong if she's friends with Hisoka' Gon thought

"I have to go now. I have a mission." She said as she checked her phone. "Stay adorable, ototo." She made a kissy face at Killua who glared and was about to hit her when she shoved the chocolate into his mouth. "Gon, make sure he brushes his teeth. Play nice, you two! Oh! And make sure to watch my match tomorrow." With that she jumped and disappeared leaving Hisoka who smirked at the two boys. The two glared at him.

"Typical Ellika, leaving me and having fun without me." He said which annoyed Killua.

"Stay away from my sister!" Killua said as he glared at Hisoka.

"I really don't want to." Hisoka said as he pushed himself off and started walking away.

"I'll see you on the arena, Hisoka." Gon said bravely as Hisoka smirked at him.

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