Chapter 28: His New Problem

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"Good morning!" Ellika cheerily said.

"Good morning, nee-chan!" Alluka greeted happily while muching on toast. Ellika grinned at Alluka who giggled contently. She looked at Killua and Gon who looked like they wanted to die, she turned to see Hisoka smiling pervertedly at them. She groaned and hit Hisoka on the back of his head.

"What did I tell you?" She growled at Hisoka who smirked at her. He shrugged before smirking at Killua and Gon.

"Ignore him. He's rather horny." Ellika said casually which made Killua and Gon choke on their food.

"Elli-nee!" They yelled at her before groaning and hitting their heads on the table. Ellika laughed as Hisoka watched them amused.

"Kill me now, Gon!" Killua cried as he shuddered at the thought of Ellika and Hisoka doing the nasty.

"No! Kill me first!" Gon said crying as he thought of the same thing.

Ellika laughed as well as Alluka. The two boys glared at her before glaring at Hisoka who chuckled.

Three months later:

"Ellika has been acting rather strange when she came back from her mission." Kikyo noted looking at her daughter who wore a bright red dress. It was bell-shaped, flaring from her slim waist. It was unusual for Ellika to wear Victorian dresses, and even if Kikyo approved of her attire, it made her feel something was off. Silva looked at his daughter who ate her food slowly, heaving a dreamy sigh every now and then.

"Ellika, darling, do you have anything to tell us?" Kikyo asked carefully. It was only the three of them eating together.

Ellika sighed happily again. "Oh, Mama. I think I'm in love."

"In what?!" Silva said preventing himself from choking.

"That's wonderful! Have you told Hisoka?" Kikyo said excitedly as Silva grimaced. He was not comfortable with females and their emotions. It bothered him more because it was his daughter that was concerned.

"Hisoka?" Ellika asked tilting her head with wide eyes.

"Yes, dear. Your fiancé." Kikyo supplied before sipping her wine. "The one you chose."

"Oh. No, it's not him." Ellika said sighing contently.

"WHAT?!" Kikyo screamed after almost choking on her wine. "Ellika, please tell me this is one of your jokes."

"I wish it was, Mama." Ellika said dreamily again. Silva groaned. He excused himself after finishing his meal leaving the two female to discuss about Ellika's indecisive feelings.

"What do you mean?" Kikyo said cautiously. Ellika smiled at her mother standing up from the table and sitting beside her.

"I met the perfect guy on my mission. He was just so... charming." Ellika said grasping her mother's hands in hers.

"Ellika, please be reasonable. You're going to get married in less than 8 months to Hisoka." Kikyo said nervously, Ellika was unpredictable and she didn't want Ellika to go on a rampage.

"That's a long time from now, we can still cancel." Ellika said casually

"But, you've worked hard to get Hisoka to marry you when he is not one to marry." Kikyo reasoned trying to make Ellika rethink this sudden decision.

"That's just it, Mama." Ellika said cheerfully. "Unlike, Hisoka, Erick was actually the one who chased me."

"Are you sure you're alright, Ellika?" Kikyo asked feeling a headache coming. "Won't Hisoka be offended by this? He might go after you."

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