Bonus Chapter: Their New Mischief

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At Yorknew City, Ellika wore her hair in soft curls. A plain black headband adorning her hair her eyelashes coated with mascara making her blue eyes look brighter, her lips a tint of dark red. She wore a black and white dress that showed off her figure, and black pumps on her feet. She looked like a normal young woman as she looked around shops. Killua and Gon walked around Yorknew City, leaving Alluka to sleep in their hotel room. They froze when they saw Ellika in normal clothes.

"Wow. Elli-nee looks really pretty." Gon whispered as they saw her in a shop alone. "Should we approach her?"

"No, she might be on a mission." Killua said narrowing his eyes at his sister. "We can just tail her." He said with a mischievous smile, while Gon nodded excitedly.

They watched Ellika come out of the shop with a small shopping bag in her hand. She then turned and waved at someone. Gon and Killua squinted their eyes to see who she's waving at. They saw a man in a well tailored suit approach her. She smiled as the man gave her a rose. They squinted their eyes to study the man's face. They nearly jumped out of their skin when they realized it was Hisoka.

"He actually looks like a normal human being." Gon whispered to Killua.

"I know. I wonder how nee-chan got him to wear that and get read of the clown clothes." Killua muttered to Gon who nodded.


"Killua and Gon are still tailing me." Ellika said not removing her smile. Hisoka smirked at her.

"Should we teach them a lesson for trying to spy on you?" He said placing an arm around her waist.

"We should." She smirked before Hisoka leaned in and kissed her.

Killua and Gon choked at what they saw. Ellika and Hisoka making out. Killua wanted to claw his eyes out while Gon cried bloody murder. Gon did not appreciate someone he looks up to as a sister kissing one of the scariest persons he's met. The two boys' eyes widened when they saw Ellika and Hisoka directly in front of them. Hisoka leaned on a wall while Ellika stood with her hands on her hips.

"It's rude to stalk your nee-chan." She said glaring at the two mentally scarred boys.

"We-We won't do it again." They said looking at Hisoka who was openly staring at Ellika's butt.

"Stop staring at my nee-chan's butt, pervert!" Killua snapped which made Hisoka chuckle.

"I've done more than stare at it." Hisoka said smugly. Ellika glared at him.

"You! Stop taunting them!" She snapped at Hisoka. She turned to the two boys who looked like they just died completely inside. "Next time you might see more than a kiss so better think twice when stalking me."

Killua and Gon paled nodding vigorously.

"Let's go, Hisoka. Our dinner reservation." Ellika said tiredly. "Behave you two!" She said with a grin before leaving two psychologically damaged boys. Hisoka smirked at them before following Ellika.

AN: The story is basically complete. I'm still debating whether to make a chapter about them getting married and starting an unconventional family together. Let me hear your thoughts. For now, toodles! Til next time, dear readers! xoxo

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