Book 2: Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Hey guys B/s here! Sorry for not updating I've been working on another book called Tsuki to Hoshi. If you can, please check it out. Other than that, school and homework has been a pain in the butt. I hope you guys aren't mad or sad by my actions. I'm very sorry!! For recent actively, you should go follow my Instagram, @shikamaru_temari_naruto. Thank you very much!!!

After hanging out with Hashirama sensei, my head has been hurting badly. He told me to take it easy, but I didn't like the sound of that. How can I be calm when this crazy Madara person has theses powers? I mean... what even!?

"(y/n)-chan." Hashirama called shaking me.

"Huh? Uh.. Yes Hashirama sensei?"

"Just Hashirama is fine. I told you to calm down."

"W-What... w-who was that Madara guy... Why was he... killing people... is he going to kill me too? He is! Isn't he! I need to call the cops-"

"(Y/n) CALM DOWN!!!!" Hashirama yelled making me jump.

"Oh... Uh... Right..."

"Lets go home. Come on." Hashirama said taking my hand.

Before we knew it, we were at home.

I was to scared to asked how we got here fast. I ran to my room as fast as possible. Going up the stairs, Naruto on was going down the stairs.

His glaze follows me.

"(y/n)-chan? Are you okay?"

"No I'm not. I'm going crazy." I yelled back, to harsh for my taste.

I zoomed past him to my room, and shut the door. I took out my phone and sigh.

*Bark Bark*

I looked to the side, seeing the cute little dog from today.

"Hey bud. How are you? Such a cutie." I giggled starching his ear.

The puppy bark happily, then running in circles.

"I'm going to call you Kenta."

The puppy nodded in agreement of loving that name. I smiled and held out my phone.

Me: Kuru

Me: Kuruuuu


Kuru: Wattttttttt

Me: I'm going crazy. I'm mentally ill.

Kuru: Hah.

Me: T^T

Kuru: Wait... its a jole right?

Me: Jole?

Kuru: joke*

Me: Oh... uh... kinda

Kuru: What do you mean kinda?

Me: I'm either dreaming things, or going crazy.

Kuru: Tell me whats up

Me: I think my sensei is from an anime. But it feels so real... Like I'm in the anime as well.

Kuru: You're crazy. That's not a dream if its real.

Me: You're so mean!!! T^T

Kuru: xD

Kuru: You will be fine.

Me: I'm scared.... I think I need help.

Kuru: I don't really know what to say to help... for now I'm pretty useless to help you. I got to go, my roommates are drinking to much. Its getting out of hand.

Me: There aloud to drink?

Kuru: Nope! Lololol. See yah later~

Me: Lelel. Okay bye!

I giggled to myself as I was done texting Kuru. Texting him made me calm down. This feels so real... yet like a dream... I'm going crazy... My head started to pound. I quickly got onto my feet, and took some pills to calm my head ach.

I layed on my bed as Kenta started to bark.

"Oh... you must be hungry."

"Woof woof!"

I got up slowly, but quickly sat down. I felt like I was going to past out any minute. I got up anyway, because when I'm hungry I can act like a bitch.

I death grip onto the railings as Kenta, excitedly went down the stairs, way faster than me. I look for food in the fridge as Sasuke and Naruto was watching T.V. Kakashi sensei was doing some paper work, Obito was doing the same. Choji was eating. I looked in the fridge and saw raw meat. Maybe Kenta will like that.

I got some out, and set it on a plant, I grabbed a bowl of water, and sat it on the floor. Kenta started to eat the food and water like a lion with its prey. My stomach started to hurt along with pain in my head.

I made quiet gagging noises making sure, not to bother anyone.

"Hey (y/n) are you okay?" Choji asked with food in his mouth.

"Y-Yeah... I-I'm g-g-goOD!" I said, gagging pretty loudly. What a fail...

The lound noises made everyone in the room look up. Obito had blue tint under his eyes, as Choji's face looked worried.

Naruto was panicking, Sasuke and Kakashi both had concerns looks.

I ran to the bathroom, and started to puke. Times like theses... feels like crap. It just feels like your eyes are burning, feels like your gonna past out any minute, your stomach is hunting, which makes you gag, and on top of that my head is pounding like crazy.

"(y/n)? Are you okay?" I look over to see Kakashi sensei. He looked really worried.

"I... is fine.." I said, as I start to puke more.

"I is fine? You're not fine if you're puking and if your grammar is way off." Kakashi half teasing and half serious

 My head starts to pound even more. Kakashi is saving me from people... who seems to look like ninjas... they control water... or more like mist... one girl and another one is a boy... wait... there both boys...

"Be careful guys!" Kakashi yells very loudly. His eyes are two different color... its not just Kakashi sensei... Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura.... and Obito sensei are there too. But.... they look like there younger.. what the hell is happening?

But.... Kakashi and Obito seem to be stuck in a water orb? This looks familiar... too familiar...

"Haku, now!" One of them yelled.

Haku... That name... I think I heard of that before.

"Sakura, behind you!" Naruto yells. I shifted my glaze to Sakura... all of a sudden... he... the boy... is behind Sakura... what seems to be a glass knife.. No an ice knife.

My whole body cramps, as I groan loudly in pain. I open my eyes once again.. I'm back.. in the bathroom, puking until I cant breath.

"(y/n). I'm calling 911, you face is color drained, your pauses is weak, your puking non-stop."

"Get out..." I said.


"I SAID GET OUT! IF I HAVENT CAME HERE! ANY OF THIS WOULDN'T... have.... happen..." I blacked out... that's the last thing I remember coming out of my mouth.

Dreams come true!! ( Various Naruto x Reader ) DISCONTINUEDDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu