Derek; Can't Fool Me

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"I think I am ready." You say out of breath, sweat dripping down from your forehead.
"Not even close." Derek disagrees. You turn around to face him as he walks towards you.

"Listen, I don't need your opinion anymore. I know that I am ready. I can protect myself with or without your help." You tell him sternly and spin around to continue packing your duffle bag.

Taking you by surprise, Derek grabs both of your arms and holds it behind your back. You try to wriggle and pull yourself out of his grip, but he is far too strong.

"How are you going to get yourself out of this?" He whispers into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

You try a little harder, but fail miserably. You let out a long sigh. "Fine."

"Fine what?" Derek questions, his warm air tickling the skin on your neck.

"Fine, okay. I do need your help. Now please just let go, we can practice as soon as you let go." You roll your eyes, even though he cannot see you.

You feel as his grip loosens and your arms fall down to your sides. You tilt your head and see as Derek turns around and walks away.

It was your turn to take him by surprise. Without hesitating, you leap onto his back and you both fall to the ground- you on top of him, straddling his back.

"How are you going to get yourself out of this?" You copy his words from moments earlier. You let out a light squeal as he pushes himself up, causing you to fall over. He wastes no time and climbs over your body- his hands blocking you from rolling away.

"You can't fool me." Derek smirks. You lift yourself up and rest your weight on your elbows.

"I guess I can't." You agree with him. His gaze shifts from your eyes to your lips. You watch as he leans closer and your eyes close as his lips are pressed against yours.

"At least you're good at something." Derek says after he breaks the kiss.

"What is that?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Kissing." He smiles and reconnects your lips with his.


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