Parrish; No Reason [2]

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It has been five months now, almost six since you walked out of the apartment that you and your boyfriend Jordan Parrish shared.

There had been no calls or texts from his side, but you don't blame him at all. You're not expecting him to call you and you're definitely not expecting him to visit Lydia's house to see you. He wouldn't be over the entire situation until he was over it. That could be years, but you were willing to wait. You wanted to give him all the time that he needed.

What you did was unforgivable; not even you could believe what you had done. You had betrayed Jordan's trust. You had lost the one person that meant the entire world to you.

Everything was going perfectly fine at Lydia's. She didn't complain about you staying with her for almost half a year, in fact, she was happy to have somebody around. She comforted you during the night when you'd cry your eyes out and wonder how you could do all of this by yourself. She never stopped assuring you that even if Jordan didn't allow you back into his life, she would always be there. You loved and appreciated Lydia more than she would ever even know. As said earlier, everything was going completely fine.

That was until now.

"Get her to room 409 now!" You instantly recognized Melissa's voice. You struggled to keep your eyes open; your body was weak and the the bright lights and white ceiling didn't make it any easier.

You were experiencing an excruciating pain from your abdomen and when you moved your hands to the area, you could feel the warm liquid. That's when your eyes shut completely.


All you could hear was nothing. Complete silence. With a little bit of trouble at first, you eventually forced your eyes open, immediately squinting at the sudden bright light. You were in a hospital room; the walls around you lacked color and you couldn't ignore the terrible smell of disinfectants and medicine.

You turned your head so that you were now facing the ceiling above you. With the corner of your eye you noticed someone sitting in the chair beside the bed. Somebody dressed in a police uniform.

That's when everything hit you; the memory of last night flashed through your mind. You were heading back to Lydia's house after taking a long walk to clear your mind and give your best friend some time alone, seeing that you were in her face for the past few months.

You were robbed. You were hurt.

Your hand instantly traveled towards where your wound was, and you gasped as you felt your now flat belly.

You let out a small cry, catching the attention of the deputy sitting beside you, who must have been asleep.

"Y/N." A familiar voice spoke and your head snapped in the direction of the person. It was Jordan.

"If you're here to ask me questions, I have no idea how the moron looked, he was wearing a mask!" You said harshly.

Parrish walked closer towards you. "I'm not here to ask you questions Y/N." He said calmly. He tilted his head to look towards the room door. "He's here to do that." You followed his gaze and your eyes landed on a tall blonde haired man also dressed in a deputy uniform. "I'm here to see if my girlfriend is okay." Your eyes met with his.

"You haven't called or texted in months." You sadly stated. His face softened a little, as if he did feel extremely bad for not contacting you in what felt like forever.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just didn't ever feel like I was over the entire situation an-"

"I don't blame you Jordan. Really, I don't. I found it hard to forgive myself, but I had to." You told him.

"Y/N, when I heard about you getting rushed to hospital, I just, I became so weak. The thought of actually losing you forever literally made my heart stop. I can't lose you. Not again. Not ever." Tears formed in his eyes.

"I love you so much." You whispered.

"I love you too. So, so much." He placed his hand over yours which laid upon your belly. You flinched in realization.

"Oh no." You muttered. You had completely forgotten. "She's, she's gone. She's gone." You panicked.

Jordan tried to calm you down, but you continued to cry loudly and hold onto your flat stomach.

He pulled you into a tight hug and you kept quiet, silent tears falling and wetting his shirt. Your breathing became even again and Jordan continued to rub your back soothingly.

"I can't believe she's gone." You mumbled, still not believing that the baby you have been carrying for the past few months was no longer there.

You loved her before even seeing her. You loved her before even holding her in your arms.

Now you would never be able to hold her. You would never be able to see her.

Your world was crumbling down. You could feel all of the parts within you falling apart. Jordan gave you a gentle squeeze. It didn't mend your broken parts. At least not yet.

It would take a long time for it to hurt less, but you weren't alone. Jordan was here. He was going to be here through it all. He was going to hold you during the sleepless nights. He was going to kiss all of the pain away.

You were in this together.

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