Isaac; Cold Feet

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"Honey, open the door." Y/N's mother knocks impatiently on her bedroom door. "Y/N." But still, there is no answer.

She turns around and flashes Isaac a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry Isaac. I'm sure she's just tired, maybe she's sleeping." Isaac nods his head.

"I just really need to talk to her. She's been ignoring all of my texts and calls." He sighs, already dialing Y/N's number again. The phone rings, but still there is no answer. "Still nothing."

"I'm sorry." Her mother smiles.

"I guess I should go." He says before heading towards the front door.

"Goodnight Isaac." She lifts her hand slightly, waving him off.

She waits until Isaac is gone before banging her fist against her daughter's door.

"Y/F/N, you open this door right now! How can you let that poor boy wait on you like that? In a couple of hours he is going to be your husband, you can't carry on like this." She raises her voice. Still, there is no response.

Y/N wasn't in her bedroom. She had left two hours ago. She didn't tell her mother or her fiancé where she would be going. She wanted to be alone. She needed to clear her head.

* * *

The sky is dark, but lit up with millions of shining stars.

Y/N stands alone, wishing that the love of her life was beside her. She feels absolutely awful for ignoring him the way she has been for the past few hours. She just needs to think.

She stands on the boardwalk all alone asking herself whether she wants this. Does she want to get married? She loves Isaac, there is no two ways about that. But is marriage the best thing for the both of them?

Her cell phone vibrates inside her pocket for the umpteenth time. She pulls it out and sighs when she sees Isaac's name.

"Oh Isaac, it's already 2am." She whispers to herself. That's when she decides to answer his call.

"Hello?" Her voice is soft.

"Y/N? Thank god. What's wrong? Are you okay?" His voice is filled with concern and worry.

She shakes her head even though he cannot see her. "I'm fine... Isaac, I need you. I need to talk to you. I'm at the beach, the one near my house."

"I'll be there as soon as I can. I'll be there in ten." He says before hanging up.

Y/N waits patiently for Isaac to show up. Like he said, he arrived in ten minutes.

Y/N turns around as he calls her name. Her heart flutters at the sight of him; she would be lying if she said that she didn't miss seeing him. She missed him more than she ever thought she could.

"Isaac." She wraps her arms around him, inhaling his strong scent.

"Baby, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He furrows his eyebrows as he examines her appearance. Her cheeks are stained with dry tears and she looks confused.

"I'm fine, I'm just, I'm just thinking." She looks up and their eyes meet.

"About what? About us?" She nods her head. "Do you, do you not want to get married tomorrow?" His facial expression softens. The thought of not marrying the girl he loves scares him.

"N-No, I do. I want to marry you. I love you Isaac." She places her hands on his chest. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." He cups her face with his hands. "So, what's the problem?"

She looks away. "I-I don't know really. I guess I just had cold feet. I won't lie to you Isaac, I'm scared." She confesses.

"Me too." He agrees. "But to think that I'll be spending the rest of my life with you, I'm not that scared anymore. I love you so much, more than you can imagine. I want to be with you, I want to wake up next to you. I love you."

Y/N's eyes tear up once again. "Isaac, I have no doubt that I want to be with you. I'm just scared that, one day you wake up and you look at me, and you decide that you no longer love me and you no longer want me."

"Y/N, that's impossible." His head dips down and captures her lips in a short, sweet kiss. "I could never stop loving you. I don't want you to think that. I can assure you that when I wake up in the morning and look at you, I will only fall deeper in love."

She nods her head and shuts her eyes allowing tears to fall down her cheeks. "Okay." She whispers.

"Okay." He smiles. "Now, please come home. I've missed you so much." He kisses her again, for longer this time.


can i marry isaac lahey maybe?

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