Theo; Kiss Me

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Theo followed behind you as you walked towards your locker.

"Come on, please? I'll behave, I swear." He pleaded and you smiled to yourself. You quickly pursed your lips into a straight line as you whirled your body around to face him.

"No way," you shook your head, "I'm not doing this again. You always say you want to come over and help me with homework or studying and heaven knows what else, but you never do. All you wanna do is... You know." You looked around to see if anybody was close enough to hear what you were saying to your boyfriend. Thankfully, every person was too occupied in their own conversations and busy doing their own things.

He threw his head back and laughed a little. "No Y/N, I swear this time it'll be different. Come on, I need to study for this AP Biology test too." He begged.

You turned around and continued walking towards your locker, ignoring Theo's pleads to come home with you. When you reached it, you unlocked and opened it before grabbing your Biology textbook and study notes.

"Baby, please." He leaned against the locker next to yours.

You sighed. "Fine." You looked at him, "but we are studying Theo."


Theo hadn't tried kissing you or anything for the entire ride home and that was actually a first. He didn't speak much either; he only asked simple questions like how your day had been and would answer whenever you asked him something.

You pulled up in your driveway and the two of you climbed out of the vehicle and made your way into the house and up the stairs to your bedroom.

Theo tossed his backpack onto your bed and immediately took out his AP Biology book. You looked towards the ground and grinned to yourself.

"Someone is eager to study Biology." You teased as you removed your denim jacket, revealing your bare arms and shoulders and hung the jacket in your closet. You caught Theo glancing at your chest before quickly averting his eyes back to his notes.

"Of course I am." He mumbled. You couldn't help but smile to yourself for the way he was acting.

"Let's get right to it!" You cheered.

You sat on your bed with your back against the headboard and your legs stretched out. Theo sat beside you with his eyes glued to his work. You were definitely shocked by this. Theo was never one to actually put effort into studying or doing assignments.

There was a long silence as both of you were focused on your notes.

Twenty minutes had passed and you were into it. You were on a roll. Nothing could distract you. Nothing, except Theo of course.

Your eyes snapped from your paper towards Theo's hand which had just rested on your thigh. You chose to rather not swat it away or tell him to focus or he'd had to go home. Instead, you just placed your smaller hand over his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Your gaze shifted towards Theo. His lips curved into a smile as his eyes still read over the notes he had written in class.

It was time for a break.

You lifted his hand and brought it up to your lips before pressing a tender, sweet kiss on the back of it.

"That's not fair." You heard him say.

"What?" You asked innocently.

"You said no kissing." He stated raising his eyebrow.

"No I said you can't kiss me, but I can kiss you all I want." You smiled and pressed another kiss on the same spot.

Surprising Theo, you straddled his lap suddenly. He shook his head. "You're unbelievable." You smirked.

You lowered your head and placed a soft kiss on Theo's neck and then his throat. A soft, barely aufible moan escaped his mouth.

You looked into his eyes. They were filled with desire and he was tempted to kiss you, but he knew that you said he couldn't. You had no idea why you were making him suffer this way, but it was fun.

He lifted his hand and cupped the side of your face. He traced the pad of his thumb over your bottom lip as his eyes stared at it intently.

"Why do you make this so hard for me?" He whispered.

You moved closer until your lips were inches apart. You stayed this way for several seconds before whispering, "just kiss me Raeken."

He obliged, quickly connecting your lips with his. The kiss felt needed. You knew how much he wanted it, but you couldn't deny the fact that you wanted it more.


HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! (I don't have a valentine, do you?)

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