Scott; Beginning Of A Happy Ending [2]

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Everybody had smiles painted on their faces and it brought joy to my heart. As I sat by the table set for the bride, groom and their families, I turned my head to face my husband, Scott. The sound of Scott now being my husband caused the butterflies in my stomach to take flight. I almost wouldn't believe it; it felt too amazing to be true. It felt as if I was living in a dream.

Like all the other guests seated at beautifully decorated round tables, Scott also had his lips curved into a happy smile.

I didn't even realize that I had been staring at him, admiring his beauty and acknowledging the fact that he was now mine forever. I was stuck in my own world; consumed by my own thoughts.

I must have been staring for quite some time, because suddenly Scott looked at me and lightly chuckled. "Like what you see?" He joked.


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"Definitely." You smirked. "I love you Scott." I placed my hand over his which still rested on my thigh; it had been there for quite a long while. I gave it a slight squeeze and smiled at him sweetly.

He used his other hand to take a hold of mine and then brought it up to his lips, pecking my knuckles softly. I couldn't help but blush at the small, kind and romantic gesture.

We stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever, until the sound of a spoon hitting against a wine glass snapped us both from our moment.

Our eyes averted towards Stiles, who stood up from his seat next to Scott.

"Ladies and gentlemen I would now like to propose a toast." He looked at everyone in the room and then at Scott and me, winking at us both.

"Scott, you're my best friend, my brother. It makes me incredibly happy to see you this excited tonight about marrying Y/N. But Scott, you're also my role model. You taught me so many things all throughout our high school career and I'm thankful for all of the memories we made. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend. I love you."

"Y/N. Can I just say that you look absolutely breathtaking tonight? Wow... Well, Y/N I want to thank you for making Scott happy. I'll always remember the nights Scott would stay up talking about you and smiling like a little idiot. He was and still is so crazy about you. You have made him a better person. You have made him the strong man that he is today. All that I can say is I'm actually proud of you for being brave enough to actually marry this guy."

The crowd laughed at Stiles's last words. He raised his glass to make the toast and soon there were glasses clicking against one another from all around.

"Thanks man." Scott stood up to hug Stiles and then sat down again.

"Thank you Stiles." I stood up and pulled him in for a hug. Before I could sit down again, Scott interrupted me by getting back up and asking what I feared the most.

"Would you like to dance?" I was instantly taken back to the night Scott said those words for the first time- at the prom. I remember shaking my head and refusing to even step foot on the dancefloor and humiliate myself in front of everybody. Scott begged me for the entire night and I eventually gave in, only dancing for about fifteen minutes before taking my seat again.

I remained quiet. Scott raised his eyebrows and held out his hand for me to take. "Please dance with me Mrs McCall." The butterflies inside of me were going crazy. Mrs McCall, I loved the sound of that.

I placed my hand in his and he smiled triumphantly. He led me towards the dancefloor and everybody that was dancing a few moments ago, slowly made their way back to their tables. It was time for the bride and groom to have their first dance.

The DJ started playing a slow song. Scott placed his hands on my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His smile was literally making my knees weak; I felt like they would give in at any moment.

"You look amazing Y/N. Really, really beautiful." Scott whispered, staring deeply into my eyes.

Remember the days our lips touched in the rain.
Fireworks through my veins and into my heart.
Remember the night dancing under sky.
I got lost in the moonlight and found in your dark eyes.

I rested my head against Scott's chest. His strong scent filled my nostrils as I tried to block out every sound to hear the beating of his heart.

I felt as if I was able to stay this way forever. I couldn't wait for the lazy mornings where I'd just stay in bed and lay with Scott and I couldn't wait for all of the memories we would make together for the rest of our lives.

We were going to stay together for the rest of our lives.


to the angel who requested,
i hope you enjoyed.

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