Derek; Staying The Night

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You walk into your bedroom, still clutching on to your side. The pain hasn't subsided yet, so you're pretty sure the wound hasn't started healing either. Wincing in pain, you sit down on the edge of your bed.

Derek followed you all the way up here, and you're thankful that your parents weren't home to see him with you. They'd lose their minds- seeing a strange man that they've never seen before in their house with their only daughter.

"Feeling any better yet?" Derek asks, not averting his gaze from your side where you had been scratched. You shake your head. He walks towards you. "It's going to take longer, because it's from an alpha, but it'll heal."

"Yeah you've said that... About seven times." You wince again in pain and Derek rolls his eyes at what you'd just said.

"Let me see." He kneels down in front of you and you lifts your t-shirt, exposing the large wound. After he examines the deep claw marks, Derek places his hand over yours and you notice his veins darken as he starts to take your pain. You pull away.

"You don't have to do that." You tell him, assuring him that you'll be fine. Derek is overprotective when it comes to you. You didn't think much of it. After all, he is your Alpha. He just wants to protect his pack.

"Maybe you should get some rest." He motions for you to get into bed. You couldn't agree more, so you scoot yourself up to the top of the bed and climb under the covers.

Derek walks over to your door and instead of walking out, he just closes it. Still in pain, you sit up, a confused expression taking over your face. "What are you doing?"

"Do you really think I'm going to leave you alone while you're hurt?"

"Derek, I'm in my room. I think I'll be fine." You lay down again, still keeping your eyes on the Alpha.

"Yeah, no. Shut up, I'm not leaving." He sits down at your desk, also not tearing his gaze away from you.

You groan, "whatever." You close your eyes for a few moments, but the burning stare of the older werewolf forces you to sit up again. "Are you serious Derek?"

"Do I look serious?"

"You always look serious."

"Exactly. Now get some sleep. Heal."

"I can't exactly sleep if you're sitting there watching me." You tell him, quite annoyed, but deep down, you know that if he leaves, you wouldn't feel safe. This is the first time you've been this injured and taken this much time to heal. You can't help but feel a little bit scared.

"I'm making sure you're okay Y/N. I'm not leaving until that wound has healed and you're okay." He says sternly. You didn't want to argue further.

"Alright, fine." You give in, slowly laying yourself back down. You close your eyes again - for longer this time - but then you sit up once again.

"For heaven's sake Y/N!" Derek raises his voice in disbelief. He couldn't believe how difficult you are being.

"I'm sorry Derek, but if you're going to stay here and wait for me to heal, you're not going to sit in that chair all night." You simply say.

"What do you expect me to do?" He lifts his shoulders.

You don't say anything. Instead, you just pat the empty spot on the bed next to you. "Come on, Derek." You prepare yourself for the outcome of this. You already know that Derek won't do it. He's way too stubborn.

But to your surprise, he stands up from his seat and makes his way over to your bed. Your eyes slightly widen in surprise and you can feel your heartbeat picks up its pace.

"Don't get too excited." He says as he lays down, probably noticing how fast your heart is beating.

"I-I'm not." You say as your lips curve into a slight smile. Derek closes his eyes and exhales a deep breath. "Goodnight Derek." You whisper, but he doesn't say a word, he just mumbles something. You lay back down, finally able to fall asleep.

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