Stiles; Baseball Bat

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You decided to have an early night after what felt like the longest day. You and Scott, along with Derek and his pack had gone to fight the Alpha werewolves, but unfortunately it was a losing battle.
Stiles panicked when you returned with a rather large wound, but you were healing slowly but surely, and faster than what you expected at least.

But Stiles freaked out, asking Scott how he could let you go do something so stupid, and how he could let you get hurt like that. "I wanted to help." You kept repeating to him, until he calmed down a bit.

But Stiles was still scared that you would get hurt again, that's why you weren't surprised at all to find the pale boy fast asleep on your bedroom floor, light snores escaping his slightly parted lips. It was 4am.

You slowly got out of your bed, tiptoeing towards your boyfriend who was laying in a rather uncomfortable position. How could he sleep like this?

You kneeled down beside him. "Stiles?" He didn't respond. He was by far the heaviest sleeper that you knew. "Stiles?" You said a little louder, rolling your eyes when there was still no response.

You huffed, standing up as you got an idea. You took a few steps back so that you were completely swallowed by the darkness in your room. You screamed as loudly as you could - taking advantage of being home alone due to your mom working a night shift at the hospital.

Stiles' eyes shot open as he jumped up to his feet. He first looked at your bed, and panicked when he didn't see you in it. You refrained from laughing. When he saw you on the other side of the room, standing in a dark corner, he rushed over.

"Ohmygodareyouokayareyouhurt?" His hands were all over your face, examining your features as he looked for any sign of an injury.

"I'm fine, Stiles." You placed your hands over his, lowering them down. "Why are you in my room? At 4 'o clock in the morning?"

"Had to protect you." He replied as if it were obvious. As if you couldn't protect yourself.


"Alphas, duh."

"Oh?" You crossed your arms over your chest. "And what, if I may ask, would you do to protect me from these big bad wolfs?" You kept yourself from smiling.

He quickly turned around, going back to where he was laying as he started feeling around on the floor. When he couldn't find what he was looking for, Stiles' jaw dropped, "I swear I had it. It was here."

"Had what?"

"My baseball bat."

You couldn't keep your laughter in any longer. "Stiles, baby," you neared him, snaking your arms around his neck, "I don't really think a baseball bat is gonna help against those guys."

He scoffed, "have you ever tried?"

You giggled and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. "You don't have to worry about me getting hurt, Stiles."

"Well what if they come back?"

"Then I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself." You lowered your hands from his neck, flashing him your claws which had just come out.

His lips formed an O shape. "Okay, yeah. Proved your point. I'm sure you can, babe. Put those away now." He took a step back. You laughed and broke the distance between the two of you. His face softened. "I just can't see you get hurt again."

"I know, Stiles. I can't promise that I won't, but I can promise to be careful." You took your hand in his, leading him to the bed. "'Now come on, you're not sleeping on the floor."

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