Isaac; Going Away

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Y/N stands in front of the mirror, contemplating on whether or not she should join the pack at the airport to say goodbye to Isaac before he leaves to France.

She didn't want to. She didn't want to put herself through the pain of watching him walk through the doors only to never see him again. She wipes away the tear that rolls down her cheek.

She remembers telling Lydia that she wouldn't be there.

"I'm sorry Lydia, I can't." Her voice was soft, barely audible.

"Y/N, you don't know when you'll be seeing him again, it could be ten years." Lydia tried her best to convince the girl that she had to go. She shook her head, her lips forming a somewhat sad smile.

"Exactly. That's why I don't want our last memory together to be saying goodbye."

She picks up her cell phone, sighing at the multiple texts and missed calls she had received from Scott, Stiles and Lydia. She uses her sleeve to wipe away the tears that have fallen before walking out of the door.


"I leave in half an hour. She's not coming guys." Isaac says, watching all of his friends as they try to contact Y/N. She isn't answering any calls or text messages. Isaac could slowly feel his heart sinking. He wouldn't be seeing her beautiful face for Heaven knows how long. She didn't want to say goodbye and he understood that. He didn't want to have to say goodbye either, but he really needed to see her. One more time. One last time.

"Sorry man, she's still not answering." Scott gives Isaac an apologetic look to which he only nods.

"I just don't understand," Lydia breathes, "this isn't like her. She would've been here by now."

"That's because she's not coming." Isaac forces a small, almost unnoticeable smile, managing to stifle a little laugh.

"Sorry man." Stiles places his hand on Isaac's shoulder, and if it wasn't for the current situation it would have been swatted away.

"Isaac," Argent approaches the teenagers, "we need to board our flight." Isaac nods his head as he picks up his duffel bag from the floor.

Y/N hurries into the airport, her eyes searching for the tall, curly haired boy. Relief washes over her as she spots her friends, her heart picking up its pace as she watches Argent leading Isaac away from them towards the plane.

She runs as fast as she can, pushing past several people that stand in her way. Scott's eyes widen at the sight of her, as well as Stiles' and Lydia's.

"Isaac!" They all shout in unison, the taller werewolf stopping in his tracks and turning around with furrowed eyebrows.

Isaac's heart jumps at the sight of Y/N, his duffle bag falling to the ground as he rushes towards her. She runs towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist tightly. The feeling of his strong arms holding her breaks her heart, knowing that the feeling will soon become foreign to her.

"Thank god." Isaac says, kissing the top of her head, the familiar scent of her shampoo filling his nostrils. "I thought you weren't coming."

"I hate saying goodbye." She tells him as they let go, his hands immediately cupping her face. It hurts him to stare into her tear glazed eyes. "Do you really have to g-go?" Another tear slips down her cheek, Isaac using the pad of his thumb to wipe it away.

"I wish I could stay, I really do." Isaac says truthfully, also feeling the urge to cry.

Y/N doesn't respond, instead she just buries her face in his chest once again, inhaling the strong scent of his sweater. "I'm going to miss you so much Isaac."

"I'm going to miss you too. God, I'm gonna miss you so much." Isaac's grip around her tightens as the words leave his mouth.

"Isaac, we need to leave." Argent says causing Isaac to pull away. Y/N wants to hold him a few moments longer, but she knows that she can't.

"Just know that I love you." Isaac whispers, wasting no time as he connects his lips with Y/N's in a soft, but tender kiss.

"I-I love you." She looks into his eyes, hoping that she would never forget the way it felt to stare into the eyes of the one she loves. Isaac half smiles, turning away from her because he knows that if he stayed a moment longer, he wouldn't be able to leave.

"So much." Y/N mutters to herself, flinching slightly as Lydia's hand is placed on her shoulder. The four of them watch as Isaac and Argent wave one last time and disappear behind the doors.

"It means a lot to him that you came." Scott smiles at her sympathetically. She nods her head in agreement.

"Let's go home and get our minds off of this." Lydia suggests. "Come on, we could watch Scream Queens or Teen Wolf."


heart : broken


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