Stiles; Matchmaker McCall

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"a new chapter because i have special announcements!

firstly, i decided to carry on with this book because i adore writing about teen wolf!

SECONDLY, i'd just like to announce that i have published the first few chapters to a new fanfic which i am really proud of!!

if any of you are fans of or know the show Fear The Walking Dead, be sure to check it out!

it would mean a lot to me <3"


You walked up the front porch steps to your best friend Scott's house. In your head you were rehearsing what you were going to say to him. You knew that what you were going to tell him would surprise him. He wasn't going to believe it.

He wasn't going to believe that you were in love with Stiles.

Your heart rate increased as your mind filled with different possible outcomes of the situation: What if Scott laughed and teased you? What if he told you that Stiles didn't feel the same? What if Stiles was already in love with somebody else? You almost turned around, but then the door opened. It was Melissa McCall.

"Oh, hi Y/N. I was just about to leave. Wanna come in? Scott's upstairs." She smiled politely, allowing me inside before closing the door.

I made my way up the stairs slowly, it felt like I had already forgotten my words. I had planned what I was going to say perfectly and now my mind was drawing a blank. I just needed Scott's advice - I needed his help.

"Come on, Y/N, it's just Scott. It's jus-" You were whispering, calming yourself down, but stopped at the sound of low voices coming from Scott's room.

You quietly approached the door which was left slightly ajar. Your heart nearly stopped. It was Stiles. You froze, trying to listen to what they were talking about.

"Just tell her, man. If you wait too long, she might find somebody else." You heard Scott say, and you felt your stomach drop. So, Stiles was in love with somebody else.

"I can't, I don't know how. I need your help, Scott." Stiles sighed, and you could hear as somebody stood up from the bed - most likely Stiles - who began pacing around the room. "She'll never feel the same."

"How do you know?"

"She's too... good for me. Out of my league." You slightly flinched as the door shut completely. You could tell that Stiles was leaning against it on the other side. You couldn't hear them as clearly now, their voices were muffled.

"Just tell her how you feel Stiles. Tell Y/N how you feel." Your eyes widened, and as if your hands had a mind of their own, they reached for the doorknob and pushed the door open. Stiles stumbled back.

"Oh my god, Y/N??" Stiles put his hand on his chest. "How long have you been standing there?"

"A while." Your voice was soft. "I'm sorry, I just came to speak to Scott."

"Is everything okay?" Scott stepped forward, a concerned expression on his face.

"Yeah. I just needed your advice." You forced yourself to stay calm, glancing briefly at Stiles, who was covering his face with his hands, hoping that you hadn't heard what he said a few moments earlier.


"Yeah, what's this about?" Stiles' face was red.

"You." The word fell from your lips instantly as you looked at the taller pale boy. You felt your own face heat up, waiting for him to say something.

"O-Oh? Why?" Stiles placed his hands on his hips. It hadn't sunk in yet. "Did I do something wrong- Oh what did I do this time?" He sighed.

"Stiles, you idiot." Scott groaned, knowing exactly what was going on, looking at his friend and then chuckling at him. Stiles was glancing at both of us, waiting to for us to tell him what was going on. Then then realization hit him, his lips forming an O shape.

The corner of his lips twitched up into a smile, "wait, really? Is this what I think it is? You...?"

"I like you Stiles." You confessed without even feeling nervous, because you already knew how he felt about you.

"Geez, thanks for making my job a lot easier." Scott let out a breath of relief, placing one hand on my shoulder and the other on Stiles' as he pulled us in for a group hug. "What am I, the matchmaker?"

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