Stiles; Don't Leave

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It's been two days since Stiles started acting a little strange around you. He didn't speak as much as he used to, he didn't spit out sarcastic comments, which surprised you and he wouldn't kiss your lips when you least expected him to.

Even though you saw him almost every second of the day, you missed him. Because even though he was next to you, it still felt as if he was far away. You missed Stiles.

The pack was pretty occupied with finding the Dread Doctors and finding out what they wanted to even recognize Stiles's strange new behavior.

But you noticed. And it concerned you. You wanted to sit him down and interrogate him about the entire situation, but you didn't want to put him on the spot. He didn't seem like his regular self and you were afraid that you would only make it worse.


You let it slide. It's now been six days since he started acting this way. You have been bottling up all of these emotions and questions inside of you and you were so close to exploding.

You missed your boyfriend. You missed his kisses, his jokes, his sarcasm, his hugs, him. You missed him.

You turned your head to look at Stiles in the driver's seat. He had his right hand on the steering wheel and his left hand crossed over his chest and holding onto his right shoulder. It almost looked as if he was rubbing a wound.

"You okay?" You asked, breaking the silence.

He looked at you abruptly before averting his eyes back to the road ahead. "Yeah I'm fine."

"What's wrong with your shoulder?" You queried.

"Nothing, just itching a little." He shrugged.

"You've been holding onto your shoulder for the past five minutes Stiles." You stated, the worry evident in your small voice.

"Y/N, it's nothing okay. I'm fine." He looked at you and you nodded your head, not wanting to pester him any longer.



Your eyes were slowly starting to close as you began to feel the sleep come over you. Stiles laid behind you with his arm wrapped around you. You could feel the warm air on your bare shoulder as he breathed in and out. For what felt like the first time in forever, you finally felt as if everything was back to normal. But it wasn't.

In the back of your mind you still knew that something was bothering Stiles. You had no clue what it was or what it could possibly be, but you knew that you didn't want to worry him even more by asking about it. He was sound asleep now and finally at peace. You wanted to keep it that way.

You closed your eyes and fell asleep.

It didn't feel like you were asleep for a long time before you felt Stiles's arm unwrap itself from around your waist and the bed shift as he stood up.

Your eyes shot open and you turned around quickly, startling him a bit. He looked exhausted; there were dark circles beneath his eyes and it almost seemed as if he was on the verge of crying.

"Stiles..." You spoke softly.

"I'm sorry I woke you. Go back to sleep baby. I'm sorry." He was avoiding eye contact with you.

You sat up and shook your head. "No. Stiles, what's wrong?"

"It's nothi-" You cut him off.

"Stiles I am not going to go back to sleep until you tell me what is wrong. You've been acting like this for the past week now. You're starting to scare me." Your voice cracked as you spoke. Stiles sat down beside you on the bed.

"Y/N I'm fine, really. I just, I just need some time to think." He took your hand in his; they were cold.

"Should I go home?" You asked him.

"No. No, stay. Please stay." He almost begged, but you knew that you wouldn't leave even if he wanted you to.

You shifted closer to him and cupped the side of his face with your other hand. You traced your thumb over his cheekbone and over the dark circles under his eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong." You whispered. "Please Stiles."

He looked down and remained quiet. He stayed this way for several seconds before saying, "I-I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? Stiles you can tell me anything, remember?" You were now even more worried than before. Stiles was never afraid to tell you something, so you were curious.

"Y/N, I can't. I don't want to... I'm scared you'll leave. I don't want you to leave." He held onto your hand tighter.

"Stiles I will never leave you." You assured him, emphasizing the word 'never'.

"I-I..." He began, but it was as if he didn't know what to say.

"Come on Stiles." You encouraged him to continue speaking.

You were surprised as you noticed a drop of clear liquid trickling down his cheek. His eyes were now glazed with tears. Another fell, and then another. He was crying.

"I didn't mean to." He coughed. "It wasn't my fault." He cried. "I never meant to do it." He was starting to scare you. You were not sure of what he meant, but you knew that it couldn't be good at all.

"Stiles, honey what are you talking about?" You searched in his eyes for an answer.

"Donovan. I killed him."

You felt as if all the oxygen inside of you had been sucked out. Your hand fell from Stiles's cheek and he looked at you with eyes full of worry.

"Y/N please don't leave me." He pleaded.

"Did you tell Scott?" You asked, looking down at your hands.

"No. You know how he feels about killing people. I couldn't tell him. He'd hate me forever." Stiles put his head in his hands.

"He will never hate you... What happened?" You looked up at him.

"It was in the school library. He tried to kill me. It was never my intention to kill him, it was an accident... Y/N, please, you have to believe what I'm telling you. It's the truth." He explained.

You tilted his head up. His face was wetted with tears that had fallen and the sight of Stiles crying literally broke you.

You moved closer towards him. "I believe you Stiles. I know that you would never do such a thing. It was a mistake. It was self defense. You're human, okay? You will make mistakes. You will get blood on your hands, but that doesn't make you a terrible person." You told him.

"Things will never be the same." He sighed. "You'll forever see me differently after this. That's why I didn't want to tell you." He shook his head, allowing more tears to fall from his eyes.

"Stiles." You said sternly. You climbed on top of him, now straddling his lap. He involuntarily placed his hands on your waist and looked you in the eye.

"I love you. I love you so much and I meant it when I said that nothing could make me love you any less, okay? You're still my boyfriend, my best friend and I will never look at you any differently. Not even after all of this." You wrapped your arms around his neck as you spoke.

He sniffed. "I love you so much." He said softly. "Thank you."

You smiled at him as he pulled you closer towards his chest, holding you tightly.

"I love you so, so much."

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