Isaac; Be The One

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written in first person

Isaac Lahey.

A few days, maybe a week ago, the name was only known to the teachers of Beacon Hills High School. Not a single student was aware of Isaac. Except for me, of course.

Now, the name was on everybody's lips. I would walk past groups of girls and he's all they'll talk about. It kind of frustrated me.

I paid attention to Isaac Lahey since freshman year. I had always found him attractive, and I always thought his shyness was adorable. It's what made him, him.

Did I ever speak to Isaac? No, never uttered a single word. And if I ever decided to, it would be too late.

It no longer mattered that I had an insane crush on him, because now, so did the rest of the girls at Beacon Hills High. Maybe even a few boys.

One day he entered the doors of the school with a newfound confidence, and an extremely stylish leather jacket. It made him ten times hotter and I hated that he could never be mine.

This was the reason I found myself where I stood right now. I was leaning against my locker, my books pressed against my chest as I actually stared at Isaac.

He too stood with his back against a locker, which I doubt was his, conversing with Erica, a girl who happened to share the same confidence as him.

If it weren't for my current infatuated state, I'd probably walk over and slap her across the face before smashing my lips to his. Just kidding, I could never do that- slap Erica or kiss Isaac. But the first part was true, I was infatuated.


I sat on the bleachers in the scorching sun as I watched the lacrosse team practice. Although my eyes were only locked on the one and only, Isaac Lahey.

He moved so swiftly. He scored with every try. Damn.

It was in that exact moment when I was biting my lip staring at Isaac that I overheard the girls behind me say something that made my blood boil.

"You guys go, I'll catch up. I'm going to wait for Isaac Lahey." One of them said.

"What? Why? What are you going to say to him?" Another asked.

"I think the real question is what am I going to do to him." The first girl answered, causing both of her friends to giggle loudly. Little bîtch.

Because I had no eyes at the back of my head, I had no idea who this girl was, but what I did know, is that I would not let her near Isaac. Not before me.

I immediately stood up from my seat, my feet running down the bleacher steps. I ran straight towards the lacrosse field. Straight towards Isaac Lahey.

"Isaac!" I yelled. He turned in my direction, but before he could see who was calling his name, I was already in front of him. I stopped and bent over with my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath.

"Y/N?" Isaac raised an eyebrow, causing my jaw to drop.

"Y-You know my name." I said in disbelief.

He smiled. "Well yeah. Is that wrong?"

"No. No, not at all." I smiled widely, probably looking like a complete idiot.

"Did you, did you need to tell me something?" He asked, probably remembering how I ran across the field screaming his name.

I froze. "Uh, yeah. Yes. Yes I did."

He nodded his head, telling me to say what I wanted to. I took a deep breath. "Isaac Lahey, I have had a crush on you since freshman year." My words had definitely surprised him. I had to ignore all of the stares from the rest of the lacrosse players.

"I never had the courage to actually talk to you. I don't know why. But now, I see all of these girls falling for you and it's kind of driving me insane." I laughed a little.

"I don't really know how else to say this other than, I want to be the one you fall for. I want to be the one out of all these other girls. I want to be the one you stare at in a room full of people."  I said in one breath.

A small smile found its way to Isaac's face. He was about to respond until somebody on the team clapped their hands.

"Shut up Greenberg." I looked at him, still recovering and catching my breath.

"Y/N, I can't fall for you." Isaac simply said. I furrowed my eyebrows. I had just expressed all of my emotions and this is what he says.


"Because I've already fallen for you. Hard." He stifled a light laugh.

I felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I felt as if I was on top of the world.

Isaac Lahey fell for me. I am the one he fell for. Me.

"Lahey get off the field and have your little love story somewhere else!" Coach yelled from where he stood.

"Alright Coach!" Isaac shouted back. He threw his arm over my shoulder and we began walking back towards the bleachers.

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