Scott; Insane

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You tap your pen against the page as you wait for the answer to pop into your head. You've been sitting like this, stuck on the same equation for over ten minutes.

"That's it, I give up." You say and close your math book before tossing it to the side and grabbing your AP Biology notes.

You stare at the notes but nothing seems to be entering your head. You let out a loud groan. You are bored out of your mind.

"Hey." You look up to see Scott climbing through your bedroom window. A smile finds its way to your face as you stand up from the bed.

"Hi." You greet and peck him on the lips. "Wow, you're here. I thought you were, you know, busy." You air quote the last word. It has been only three days since Scott and Stiles have introduced you to the whole supernatural world and you were still trying to grasp everything.

"Why did you think that?" He smiles.

You shrug your shoulders turning away from him and sitting down on your bed. "I don't know, it's just that you haven't been at school since last week." You remind him earning a sigh.

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry about that. I missed you though. Like a lot." He sits down beside you and you rest your head on his shoulder.

"I missed you too."

"So what are you up to?" He looks down at all the scattered papers on your bed.

"Biology." You groan once again. "I'd ask you for help, but you kind of missed a million new chapters."

"I'm sure I could give it a try." He laughs picking up one sheet of paper. He examines it and narrows his eyes. "Nope, never mind. I should really stop missing class."

A concerned expression covers his face and you know that he is thinking about school; how he has missed a ton of work and may never be able to catch up.

You wrap one arm around him and plant a light kiss on his cheek. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. I promise." You assure him.

He turns his head and leans closer to you. You feel the familiar butterflies in your stomach as his lips meet with yours. You have been dating Scott for almost ten months and you still get nervous whenever you kiss him. You loved that he had that effect on you.

He pulls away and smiles. "Your heart," he says, "it's beating really fast."

"Is it crazy that I still feel this way every time you kiss me?" You feel as your face heats up.

"No." He answers, immediately connecting your lips again.

As much as you want to kiss Scott instead of doing your homework, you know that you can't.

"Okay... I... I have to... Do my... Homework." You say in between kisses. You struggle to pull away, but eventually you manage to stop yourself.

You lie down on your stomach and resume to doing your homework. You can't concentrate. You can literally feel Scott's eyes on you.

"What are you staring at?" You blush as you tilt your head to look at him. He looks down, obviously feeling embarrassed that you had caught him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just that... I love you so much, it's insane." He tries to stop smiling, but he can't.

You close your books once again and attack Scott with a hug.

"I love you too." You say and kiss him again.


how is everyone liking season 6 so far? i still can't get over that it's the last season

Teen Wolf Imagines ➵Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora