Stiles; Already Gone

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(Let's just pretend that Y/N is the only supernatural being in Beacon Hills High School)

Stiles left the hospital, his arm wrapped in a bandage and fresh scars covered the skin on his face. He was looking around, searching. He was searching for Y/N and hoping that he would find her. A part of him knew that she wouldn't be anywhere near the hospital, so he went to where she always ran to in a time like this. His bedroom.

He passed by a mirror in the hallway of his house and stopped to look at how deep the cuts on his face actually were. The cuts that she had caused. He didn't care though. He continued towards his bedroom.

Stiles opened the door, but the room was empty. He walked further in, hoping that maybe she was there, hiding behind the bed like she usually does.

But she wasn't there, and something had caught his eye. He padded over to his desk, where he noticed a page covered in words written in dark blue ink.

He examined the paper, instantly recognizing Y/N's handwriting. His heart picked up its pace as he began to read:

Dear Stiles

I'm sure you're wondering what this letter is about, but I'm also sure you know what to expect.
I'm sorry Stiles. I'm really sorry, for everything. I'm sorry for dragging you into my chaotic life. I'm sorry that it got you hurt... I'm sorry that this time, I hurt you.
But I don't want you to be hurt anymore Stiles. Not by me. I've hurt you enough. It was never my intention, but it seems like everything I do only ended up leaving you with scars; literally and figuratively.
This isn't your fault. I don't want you for a moment to think that this is your fault. You have given me everything a girl could have ever wished for. And I want you know, you couldn't have loved me any better... This isn't because of you, it's because of me.
I'm sorry Stiles.
I wanted to say this to your face, but looking at you just makes everything harder. I want you to move on... Move on from me, from my dangerous, mess of a life.
Our worlds are too different Stiles. And I'm sorry I let you into mine... The supernatural was never a place for you and your friends. It's far too dangerous.
I want you to find somebody new, somebody that's preferably human. Somebody that won't complicate your life as much as I did. I'm sorry that I did.
Please know that this isn't at all what I want, but it's what we both need. Someone has got to go. I'll go... I'm already gone.
I love you so much Stiles, I think I always will. But I love you so much that I am willing to let you go. To protect you.
I left my phone underneath your pillow, just so that nobody could try and call me. Please don't try to find me.
Live your life, your normal life. Make memories, have fun, be happy.
I know we had plans, we had dreams, but I will not take it personal if you take those dreams and share them with somebody new. In fact, that's exactly what I want you to do.
I love you Stiles, and I want you to be safe. I want you to be safe from any harm, that's why I left.
But I am sorry. And I will miss you with every piece of my beating heart and my soul.
But I want you to move on. So I'm already gone.


Stiles didn't even realize that he was crying by the time he finished reading the letter. He couldn't tell if he was dreaming or not; maybe the medication the doctor had given him was messing with his mind.

But maybe, Y/N was gone, she did leave. And he was never going to see her again.

He stumbled over towards his backpack which was on top of his bed. Using his non-injured hand, he fumbled around in it before taking out his phone. His hand was shaking, and every time he tried dialing his father's number, his weak fingers clicked the incorrect digits. He groaned and threw the phone against the wall, watching as it shattered to pieces on the floor.

He bent down to pick the pieces up, but instead he lifted up his pillow to see Y/N's phone.

It was still on. Her lock screen was still a picture of the two of them. The sight of it broke Stiles even more; seeing them being happy caused him pain.

I want you to move on.

I'm already gone.

Don't try to find me.

The words replayed themselves in his mind. He sat with his back against the bed staring at the ground, at nothing in particular. It all felt too unreal.


this is really short, but i am planning on making a part 2 for this one!

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