Isaac/Theo; Bandaids Don't Fix Bullet Holes

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Y/N was thrilled. Actually, thrilled would be an understatement. She was returning to Beacon Hills after exactly seven months of being in New York City.

The thought of seeing the pack again caused a smile to take over her face as she stared out of the car window.

She had missed all of her friends tremendously. Lydia, Scott, Liam, Malia and even Stiles. But someone who she had really missed was Theo, her best friend. Not being able to have him by her side for more than half a year was hard. And she couldn't forget her boyfriend, Isaac Lahey. She had missed him the most. She missed feeling his lips against hers before she closed her eyes to sleep and she missed seeing his face when she opened her eyes to a new day.

The best part was that none of them knew she was returning. It would be a surprise. She felt so excited about this. She couldn't wait to see all of them again.

Isaac's apartment would be her first stop. She gave the directions to the cab driver and he continued down the roads- which were not as busy as the ones of the Big Apple.

"Here we go." He said as the vehicle came to a stop. Y/N smiled as she took the money out from her jeans pocket using her one hand, the other held the key to Isaac's apartment. She was planning on moving in after she returned from her trip.

"Thank you." The cab driver said as Y/N placed the cash into his palm. "Do you want me to wait for you?"

Y/N shook her head as she pulled out her duffel bag and small suitcase from the backseat. "No, it's okay. I think I'm going to be here quite a while."

She couldn't control her smiling; her cheekbones were starting to hurt. She could just imagine the look on Isaac's face when he saw her.

She hurried to the entrance of the building and went straight into the elevator, clicking on floor 8.

She was impatient. As soon as the doors opened, she ran out with her duffel bag over her shoulder and her suitcase being dragged behind her.

She didn't bother to knock, because she had the key. And this would make it far more surprising.

She unlocked and opened the door as quietly as she could. She placed her bags on the floor and tiptoed towards Isaac's bedroom.

The door was left slightly ajar, but before she could push it all the way open, she stopped.

She heard a giggle from the other side. It sounded far too feminine to be Isaac's. She remained still.

"I have to go home Lahey." Someone said. A girl. Y/N could hear clearly how she had stood up from the bed.

"No, you can stay a little longer. Come on, stay the night." She heard the familiar voice. The voice of her first love. Her only love.

The girl giggled loudly as she was pulled back onto the bed. Isaac laughed along.

The tears were blurring Y/N's vision, but she didn't allow the tears to fall. As the two in the bedroom continued to speak, Y/N couldn't handle listening to their conversation.

She tiptoed back to the front door. She picked up her bags and left the apartment, closing the door quietly.

She hadn't even realized that the tears were falling. Her heart was broken. Shattered. How could he? He told her he loved her, he told her she would be the only one. Was it all a lie?

She called a cab, giving the directions to Theo's house. Her best friend.


"Surprise." Y/N softly smiled as the front door opened, revealing Theo.

Theo's lips curved into a wide smile showing off his white teeth. His smile instantly began fading when he noticed her tear stained cheeks. He could feel her heart slowly breaking.

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