Isaac; Little Do You Know

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Little do you know how I'm breaking while you fall asleep

3:57am. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't even close my eyes without seeing him and falling apart. My tears were falling relentlessly. There was a burning in my chest; the pain I felt was unbearable.

I was an emotional wreck. It's only been a couple of days since the death of my best friend Allison Argent. The way I felt while I watched her lie in Scott's arms uttering her last words before breathing her last breath was unexplainable. I couldn't breathe. Right now, I was still finding it difficult to inhale and exhale. Breathing is supposed to be the easiest task, so why was I finding it impossible?

At the time I was completely speechless, weak and broken and Isaac, my boyfriend, thought it was the best time to tell me something that pushed me over the edge.

After leaving the sheriff's station to give our statements about Allison's death, Isaac drove me home. Before I could climb out of the vehicle, he stopped me. He told me everything. He told me how he had fallen in love with Allison over the past few weeks. He told me how sorry he was and how he couldn't help the way he felt.

It literally felt as if my entire world was crumbling down. The day before everything was perfect and it all changed in twenty-four hours.

Isaac had left to France with Argent without uttering a single word to me after telling me that he was in love with my best friend.

He was probably okay now; sleeping soundly after a long day of doing whatever he was doing in France. And here I was, slowly breaking, falling apart with no one to help me mend my broken pieces.

Little do you know I'm still haunted by the memory

Days had passed and surprisingly, the pain had lessened. Not much, but at least I could get out of bed and do something with myself.

I'd feel my heart crack a little whenever I felt the need to text Allison about something funny I had seen on the internet or ask for advice.

Thinking about Isaac caused my vision to blur because of the tears that threatened to fall.

Just the sound of his name brought back the millions of memories we had made over the last two years.

Our first kiss, our first time. Our inside jokes, our fights, our moments of silence and admiration. Everything.

The memories of Isaac and me together haunted me. Every time I think about him, I am reminded of how it was probably her on his mind during every kiss, every touch.

Little do you know I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. My life was finally starting to fall back into place. I was no longer failing almost every class and I was no longer having bad dreams like the ones I used to have.

I hadn't had any contact with Isaac at all. Maybe he had completely erased me from his mind, but the truth is, he had never left mine. Maybe he had somebody new; somebody to help him forget all about me and Allison, but I had no one.

I had already forgiven Isaac for what he had done, but I couldn't forget it. I probably wouldn't ever forget.

Little do you know I need a little more time

One year. That was how long it had been. Those had been the longest and worst three hundred and sixty-five days of my life. I'm surprised I survived through it all.

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