Isaac; Be Mine

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can I just ask why are liam
and hayden always kissing?
it's like they have absolutely nothing to talk about.


You hated clichés. You always felt the need to punch yourself in the face whenever watching a movie or reading a novel about boy-girl friendships.

Best friends don't end up falling in love. You had always told yourself this. You had been best friends with the same person for almost eight years and you were certain that you weren't in love.

That was of course until junior year. Now, you wanted to punch yourself for not believing in all of the clichés, for not believing that you could indeed fall for your best friend.

Isaac Lahey. Your best friend.

Since freshman year you may have had the slightest crush on Isaac, but you're one hundred percent sure that it faded after a month or so.

But it didn't. Because a few years later, your feelings for Isaac hadn't disappeared, they seemed to be growing stronger each day. You were not proud of it. You knew that it would only ruin your friendship if he didn't feel the same way.

But you also knew that you couldn't keep running from the truth. You had to tell Isaac, you couldn't keep secrets from him- Even this one.

That's why today was the day.

"Here we go." You mumbled before pushing open the doors to Beacon Hills High School and entering.

Your eyes immediately searched for Isaac, but you didn't see him standing by your locker where he would meet you every other day. If he wasn't coming to school today he would have texted you.

Your eyes don't cease to look for your best friend. After only a few moments you spot him, a small smile forming on your lips just at the sight of him.

It faltered when you realized that Isaac wasn't alone. He was talking to somebody else. He was smiling the way he had only ever smiled at you. You followed his gaze and your heart dropped.

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Allison Argent

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Allison Argent. Isaac had spoken about her a couple of times in the past, but it never really bothered you.

Until now.

You saw an emotion in his eyes that you have never seen. You didn't exactly know what it was, but you did know that it shattered your heart.

You turned around, walking in the opposite direction. If Isaac saw you, he'd only come over and talk to you with Allison by his side, and you didn't want that.


You knew it was wrong of you, but you couldn't help yourself. You had ignored and avoided Isaac for the entire day, leaving him questioning whether he had wronged you in any possible way.

He was never alone though. After noticing your strange behavior, he spent lunch with a group of friends consisting of Scott McCall, Lydia Martin and of course, Allison Argent.

So many times you felt like crying. During class, you felt like picking up your backpack and leaving, especially when you could feel Isaac's eyes burning holes into the back of your head.

You just couldn't handle that the boy you're madly in love with could possibly be falling for someone else.

It felt like an eternity, but the last class for the day finally ended and you were able to go home- To a place where avoiding Isaac wouldn't be as hard.

You threw yourself onto the bed as soon as you entered your bedroom. This was not how you expected the day to end.

You were supposed to tell Isaac how you felt. You were supposed to get everything off of your chest.

But here you laid, holding onto the feelings and dreaming of a love that was hopeless.

You were distracted from your thoughts as your bedroom door creaked open.

"Not now mom. I'm really tired I just need some rest." You said without looking up.

"I, uh..." You heard a familiar voice that did not belong to your mother causing your head to snap up instantly.


"Your mother let me in." He walked towards the bed and took a seat on the edge. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, his elbows on his knees as he slouched.

"About what?" You whispered, scooting backwards so that your back was against the headboard. Isaac turned his head to face you.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "You tell me. You've been avoiding me all day."

"Oh." You looked down, avoiding his gaze. "No it's nothing, I just, I have a cold. I didn't wanna get you sick." You lied, stifling a small laugh hoping that he'd buy it.

"Really?" He asked. You could tell that he didn't believe you, but he didn't push. "Oh, okay then."

You nodded your head and he turned away from you. "I should get going. It looks like I'll be doing homework until 5am." He stood up.

"Bye Isaac." You forced a small smile. He returned the kind gesture before walking out of the room.

You got up from your bed and padded over to your dresser. You smiled as you stared at a photograph of you and Isaac. It was a picture your parents had taken the first day of sophomore year.

"Isaac." You whisper as if talking to him even though you are alone. "I love you so much. I just want you to know how I feel about you. I've liked you since freshman year, but I wouldn't allow myself to feel that way about you. It turns out my feelings for you only became stronger over the years. I love you. So much. Just please... Be mine."

"Y/N?" Somebody spoke from behind you and you flinch, spinning around.

"Isaac. I-I uhm..." You stuttered. You were hoping that he hadn't heard everything you said.

Isaac looked as lost for words as you. He didn't say anything, he just made his way towards you and cupped your face with his hands.

His head dipped down and captured your lips in a soft, but tender kiss. No words needed to be exchanged. Now you both knew how you felt about one another.

"I love you too." He smiled when he pulled away. "So much."


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