Liam; Not Mine, But Still Mine

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"Will I see you at the party tonight?" Liam asked as he tied his shoelaces, sitting on the edge of my bed.
I proceeded with putting my underwear back on. "I'm not sure yet, do you want me go?" I smirked. He looked at me and smiled as he stood up.

"I would love to see you there." He admitted. I threw on a random oversized sweater and walked towards him.

"Then I guess I'll be there." I said, giving him a quick kiss and then sitting back down on my bed.

"Alright, cool. I guess I'll see you later."

I waited until I was sure that Liam had left before I laid down, limbs spread far apart as I let out a deep sigh.
I was convinced that my mother assumed Liam and I were a couple, but that wasn't the case.
Sometimes I had to remind myself that we weren't dating.

But we did couple things.

What started out as just casual sex, turned into spontaneous date nights, sleepovers and countless late night phone calls.

But we weren't dating; we both knew that. We didn't speak much at school, so nobody else would suspect anything to be going on between us.


My phone started ringing as I approached the front door of the house where the party was being held. I looked at the screen; seeing Liam's name caused the usual butterflies in my stomach to take flight again.

"Hey, where are you?" He asked.

"I'm outside, I just got here," I giggled, "I'll be inside in a second."

"Alright, see you in a few." The call ended.

I walked in, the smell of alcohol filling my nostrils. I got caught up speaking with a few kids from school, but I decided to cut the conversation short by asking if they knew where Liam was.

They told me to go and check the backyard, which is where my feet were now taking me.
I stepped outside, my gaze immediately falling on Liam standing with a group of friends.
I decided to lean against the wall and keep him waiting a while longer. He seemed to be having fun. And I wasn't sure yet what I'd say to him in front of his friends.

I started to observe the people around me; everybody seemed to be heavily intoxicated. It was hilarious watching how they'd make fools out of themselves.

When I averted my eyes back to Liam, I quickly stood up straight. He was no longer standing near to his friends, he was standing alone with a shorter, dark haired girl. I didn't recognize her from school.

Liam had a charming smile plastered on his face and the girl couldn't keep her hands to herself. Watching this ignited an unfamiliar feeling within me. I felt the urge to go there and pull him away from her, or even better, punch the flirtatious look off of her face.

She was getting closer, and closer, and before I could even control my own actions, i was speeding towards the two of them.

"Hey, I've been looking everywhere for you." I innocently said, pushing past the girl and connecting my lips with Liam's. I could feel as he smiled into the kiss.

"Okay then, I'm just gonna go." I heard a high-pitched voice say from behind me. Now I was the one smiling into the kiss.

As much as I was enjoying it, I broke the kiss. Liam looked at me with a surprised look in his eyes.

"Hey." I officially greeted, pretending that nothing had happened.

"What was that about?" Liam chuckled, his lips slightly swollen from the kiss.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I just don't like sharing what's mine."

Liam smirked, not hesitating to go in for another kiss. We both ignored the childish remarks his friends were making.


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