Imagine 7

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You and C/N have become really close in these past few days, he has come over 3 times so far. You guys were planning to go to the movies today. Moana! You are very excited because you finally feel like you had a shot at dating him. You put on your shoes and coat and head out.

"Bye mom!" you call on your way out. You manage to catch the bus in time which brings you downtown to the AMC movie theater. You stand outside, waiting for C/N, hands shoved in your pockets. You release your nervous energy by shifting your weight from side to side.

You hear a familiar voice say, "hey". You look up and immediately see c/n's large, happy e/c eyes. You reply with a smile. You two head into the movie theater and buy a large popcorn and a large ICEE to share.

"I'm so excited," you say, you were talking about the being with your crush part - not the movie. You two locate your seats and sit down. Soon enough, the movie starts. 

Around halfway into the movie, you reach into the popcorn box but so does c/n. Your hands meet (cliché, I know). Except, he doesn't move his hand away, he grabs yours and intertwines it with his. His hand is warm and a little rough, and your hands fit perfectly together. You two enjoy the rest of eachother's company until the movie ends. Everyone except you and c/n files out of the theater. When it's just you two, c/n holds you in his arms.

"I had fun, y/n" he says, calmly.

"I did too," you reply, smiling slightly. He leans over and presses a kiss to your cheek, causing you to blush.

"Maybe we could hang out again soon," he smiles. You nod, definitely.

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