Imagine 28

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You laugh to yourself as C/N rolls his eyes at your friends, who are taking their sweet time to eat their pancakes. IHop is your friend Emily's favorite restaurant, so you two come here frequently. Today you both brought some other friends (and boyfriends) along.

"Oh, I need more syrup!" Emily says, excitedly. She gets up to go scout for some more. You look over at another one of your friends who hasn't touched their pancake yet.

"I swear to god," c/n mutters under his breath. You laugh again and he looks up at you, not finding it funny.

"Gosh, c/n," you playfully hit him from across the table. 

He doesn't respond. 

"Wanna walk real quick?" you ask. He nods eagerly as the two of you stand up and walk outside. You grab his hand. "Why are you so impatient?"

"I can't sit there for an hour while they take their sweet time to eat their pancakes. Like, I need to DO something." he exclaims.

"damn, c/n" you laugh. He mocks you and jokingly bumps you, you bump him back.

"Y/n?" he says. 


"iHop is disgusting. So like, when can I take you somewhere nice? With - ya know- just the two of us?..." he asks, desperation in his eyes. You cup his cheek, stroking his jaw with your thumb.

"Baby, aw, whenever you want to!" you smile, earning a smile from your boyfriend. "We could even go NOW if we wanted to"

"Really?" he asks. "But, like, I feel like we shouldn't ditch them"

"Neither," you laugh. "They won't miss us though. Come on!"

"Where are we gonna go?" he asks.

"Up to you, baby boy. We could go to the Bahamas right now for all I care".

And so hand in hand, the two of you take off down the street, running, running.

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