Imagine 34

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You panic, paranoid that the person behind you is actually following you. You keep looking behind you that you're actually unaware of where you're going. You slam into someone. You look up, terrified.

"C/n?" you pant.

"Oh, hey miss oblivious" he greets you with a hug. "So, why're you pretty much running for your life?"

"Oh no reason. Just me being paranoid, I thought the person behind me was chasing me," you laugh.

"Aw, how cute" he mockingly says. You hit him. 

"So anyways," he continues. "I was going to safeway to like, buy food and stuff. Wanna come?"

"Uh.. sure"

Long story short, you end up doing more messing around than shopping.

"Attention, we are closing in 10 minutes"

"Oh- Oh my god" you say. "My mom's gonna be worried sick! I've been out since I left for school. And we've been at the store for two hours!"

"Just blame me, I'm cool with that" he laughs. "Now get out of the shopping cart"

Sadly, you remove yourself from the shopping cart. He wraps his arms around you and kisses you sweetly, "now I can kiss you babe". 

"Oranges!" you exclaim.

"Way to ruin a moment" he laughs.

"Sweets, you gotta finish your shopping" you say. "Shopping is more important than kissing"

"No it's not" he snorts

"Uh, yeah. Yeah it is, because if you don't shop, you don't get food and without food, you die" you say as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "So you don't wanna die do you?"

"Well, I think without you, I'd die" he notes. 

"Oh don't worry about that, cause I'm never gonna leave you" you say. "Now, oranges" 

You get back into the shopping cart as c/n sighs and pushes you into aisle 3, picking out some good oranges.

"What're you even making anyways?"

"Well, if you wanna come over for dinner we can make smoothies and grilled cheeses and just talk" he says with pleading eyes.

"Yeah, i'd love to!" you exclaim. "Hold on"

You text your mom 'hii, mom. having dinner at c/n's see ya later!'

"Ready to go pay?" you ask.

"Yep, let's go"

As you wait in the (long, long) line, and you're still sitting in the shopping cart like a 3-year old, c/n leans down and kisses you a little bit. Honestly, in the exhausted-from-school states you guys are in, you couldn't care less about pda. He grips your face as he continues to kiss you. 

"Uh- ahem" 

You look up. The line's moved forward... a lot. So you guys move up, pay and get outta there. C/n drives the two of you to his house,  dragging you straight up to his room.

"Okay, wait right here. I'll be right back" he says, disappearing downstairs for two minutes before returning with two smoothies and bowls of froot loops. 

"You're so crazy," you shake your head at him.

"I'm crazy? You're the one who always eats cereal at night"

"No, I mean- I can tell that you poured your milk in first. That's crazy" 

"Sh... nobody needs to know but us, okay?" he shushes you and hands you a bowl.

"Okay," you whisper childishly. 

"So y/n, how was your school day, babygirl?" c/n questions, munching away at his cereal.

"Uhh... it was fine, you know. School's never really that interesting. I have no motivation at all, honestly"

"Hm. Well, you can study with me! I'm a very motivational person" he states, not even looking up at you as he's too busy eating, causing you to giggle.

"Right, you're motivational... yeah okay" you laugh. "Um, I think a goldfish is more motivational than you"

"Ouch" he says.

One thing leads to another and it's now already 11 pm, you two are so tired but still chatting the night away.

"But like, what if I died?" you wonder. "What if I got hit by a car and just- died?"

"Then, I dunno. I don't know what I'd do with myself" he responds tiredly. "I would probably die too"

"Woah, no" you say. "What- Why?"

"I'd kill myself because I don't think I can do life without you. Honest. I love you so much and I've gotten so attached to you and it's come to the point where you're the only thing that makes me feel real happiness"

"Oh my god, c/n," you say, shocked. "Don't even say that. You're the happiest person I know, with or without me. You have your team, you have your friends, your family, your pet, you have the college you wanna go to, your dream job... I'm not the only thing making you happy"

"I dunno" he mutters. "Feels like it. Nobody's there for me but you"

"Promise me, c/n-"

he looks at you with those stunning eyes of his.

"Promise me that if I ever die, which I won't, that you'll stay here and just do life and be happy. Promise me that" you say.

He stares at you for a bit before linking your pinkies together. 

"I promise, babygirl"

"Okay. Love you forever, my boy" 

"I love you a lot more than you'll ever know" he says. You wonder if it's possible that he loves you more than you love him.

You look over at him, trying to read his eyes.

"What are you feeling?" you ask.

"I don't know" he says.

"Are you sad?"

"I don't- I don't think so"

He looks mesmerized and he holds your hand and doesn't say anything else before he peacefully drifts into sleep. You have to get home before your mom worries herself to sleep but you just can't. YOu can't get yourself to let go of c/n, who held your hand until he fell asleep. You don't want to leave him. You're scared to leave him right now. That conversation scared you.

You kiss him on his temple and he smiles in his sleep, sending your body into pure awe. 

"Babyloves" you whisper, trying not to wake him. "I gotta go, okay? But- But I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be here first thing in the morning"

You get up and go, intending to keep your promise.

Crush Imagines Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now