Imagine 8

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You gaze out of your window as you watch the precious, swirling snowflakes drifting down to the ground. School is cancelled for 3 days because of all the snow and ice. You peer at your driveway which is whitened by heavy snow and you think about how satisfying it would be to take the first few steps in that slushy, crunchy substance.

You're distracted by a 'ding' coming from your phone. You reach over and see a notification from c/n. A ton of butterflies erupt in your stomach. You unlock your phone to read the full message. 

C/N: hey y/n. i was just wondering if you wanted to hang out today :)) 

You smiled slightly, and began to reply.

Y/N: yea sounds like a plan, where though??

C/N: maybe we could meet at my place?

Y/N: okay, be there in 10.

You clutch your phone to your heart and smile dreamily. You begin to head over to his house, each step you take making you more nervous. You inhale deeply and ring the doorbell. Your heart begins beating faster as you hear heaavy footsteps coming towards the door. The door opens, revealing c/n's beautiful smiling face.

"Hey," he says softly, while gently pulling you inside by your wrist.

"Hey," you reply. He looks at you for a second while smiling slightly.

"So what do you want to do?" he asks.

"Wanna watch a movie?" you suggest, his smile fades.

"I would, but the TV's not working right now..." he says, awkwardly looking at his feet.

"Ok that's fine... How bout we go for a walk or something?" you say. He nods, opens the door. He places his hand on the small of your back as you two walk out the door and down the icy driveway. You nearly fall a couple times, but each time, he grabs you at the waist and holds you.

"Thanks," you awkwardly say, while trying to brush some hairs out of your face. He chuckles and brushes them out of your eyes for you. 

"C'mon," he grabs your hand gently and leads you to a pathway. You two walk in comfortable silence for a while before you slip and fall. You hear c/n laugh, but then he quickly apologizes and rushes to your side to help you. You secretly have a snowball in your hand and when he comes over you shove it in his face.

"Y/n what the hell-" he laughs while brushing the white powdery snow from his face. You look into his e/c eyes as he gives you a cheeky smile. He hits you back with a bigger snowball, causing you to squeal. It leads into a full-fledged, intense snowball fight. A giant icy snowball hits your nose. You laugh, but you realize c/n's smile has faded. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" he says, a look of worry on his face. Confused, you look at the snow and see little red droplets in it. You gasp when you realize your nose is bleeding. 

"Shiiit" he says, while rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"It's fine, haha," you say, pinching the bridge of your nose. He leads you into a small little café. The aroma of chocolate and cake batter fills your senses. He rushes to get you tissues and dabs your nose with it. When the bleeding subsides, you can sense how c/n relaxes a lot. You place your hand on top of his, and he gives you an apologetic smile. 

"I'm sorry," he says again. You can almost feel his guilt.

"It's okay, c/n" you giggle. You caress his cheek. YOu get a sudden urge to kiss him but you resist. He smiles at you and intertwines your hands.

"Wanna get a hot chocolate?" he asks in a soft voice. You smile and nod. You two head over to the counter and order a large one to share between the two of you. While you wait, you can't help but notice how beautiful and angelic he is. He seems to be staring at you in amazement... Before you can process it, he leans in a gently presses his lips to yours sending a shockwave through your body. He pulls away and runs his fingers through your hair while staring lovingly at you. The cashier calls c/n's name and passes him a large mug of hot cocoa. You two sit down at a small table.

You stare out the window, but you can feel c/n's eyes on you. You turn to look at him, he shyly looks away.

"What's up?" you ask him.

"Nothin'. You're just so adorable," he says.

He drinks some hot chocolate. You burst into a fit of laughs, he looks confused. 

"You uhh- you got something on your nose" you say, still giggling because of the bit of whipped cream. He wipes at his nose with a napkin. 

"Oh god that's embarrassing" he states.

You just laugh and shake your head. These next few days might not be so bad.



thanks for reading my 8th imagine!! sorry i've been missing hahaha. ok so I got a new crush on this guy and he's super adorable i swear. he makes me die inside, because he's got such a happy, cute face and i just aghghghohghworuhgoafnjvldig he's beautiful. i might reveal his name in a further update ;)

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