Imagine 33

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"I can't deal with this, oh my-" your boyfriend rants. "You have to stop"

You just laugh.

"I'm serious. Every time you wear that dress I just want to, like, make out with you"

"Well, c/n, we're in the middle of a fancy restaurant. So, no. Not gonna happen"

"Then stop wearing that dress, you look like a literal angel sent by god" he stresses.

"Oh no that's terrible" you remark sarcastically. "You know c/n, you look like an angel every single day. No matter what you're wearing"

"Aw stop" he jokes

"Hey, I'm being honest"

"Well maybe I might be an angel to you, but that doesn't compare to the goddess you are"

You roll your eyes, "okay, enough with the being cheesy. Come with me to find the bathroom. This place is huge".

You two get up. For some reason, your school decided to have their sports banquets in some giant mansion down in the country side. It was beautiful and all, just a little much for school sports teams to have dinner at. You smooth out your maroon dress before heading off.

C/n latches onto your hand sweetly and the two of you scout for an unlocked bathroom.

"I really have to pee, oh my god" you whisper loudly. 

"Sh!" c/n shushes you. "I hear it. The bathroom is calling you"

"Huh?" you respond. He drags you upstairs to an open bathroom, "ta-da. Now go pee. Hurry"

You pee real quick and leave again, stopping quickly to slather your hands with way too much soap. But it smelled so good! 

"Let's go explore" you say, grabbing c/n's hand again and running aimlessly through the mansion. You two come to a stop at a random double staircase. The stairs are white marble with little pillars and a design on the landing. 

"Jesus, this place is like a castle" he groans. 

"It's so beautiful" you say, running your hands along the white, patterned railing. C/n grabs your arm and turns you around before slowly snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. 

"Can I kiss my princess now?" he softly requests. You nod. And your lips attach in a warm embrace. There are fireworks. You love him so much. His lips gently caress your own and you can feel a smile on his lips.

You start laughing and the kiss breaks apart so he places his forhead against yours.

"I love you, princess" he mutters. 

"I love you"

"Don't leave me. Ever" he says.

"I wasn't planning on it" you reply, savoring the feeling of your bodies so close together, nothing but love and affection and happiness in the air.

"Good" he smiles. "You know, I never thought I'd ever find someone as perfect as you, let alone get to be their boyfriend"

"Awh, me too" you reply. "It's so hard to find a perfect guy these days. But you... you're literally perfect."

He shyly smiles. You love it when he shyly smiles. You love him. You watch him as he runs a hand from your face and through your hair and he holds your hair.

"I'm so happy" he exclaims excitedly. What a cutie.

"I'm so happy" you repeat without really thinking and he presses two kisses to your forehead and he just holds you close for a few moments before pulling back.

"Should we go back?" he asks.

"I don't wanna go back"

"Neither do I. I just wanna be with you, right now." he says. "Y/n we haven't seen each other for a week. Wanna come over tonight and watch a movie?"

"Yeah. Yeah I do" you smile and grab his hands and look into his eyes.

A/n: my crush is literally so perfect. ughh he's beautiful to the point where it hurts how perfect he is. and he's so nice to me and he's such a sweet friend. and his hair is always so messy and neat at the same time. he's tall and he has brown hair and green eyes which is honestly my favorite combo. and i can't deal with his smile which is so adorable and his cute little nose and just AHH help me out he's too gorgeous to be real. and he's french so how cool is that and his accent is so good and his voice is the actual deepest voice i've ever heard. anyways i'm just in love with him <33 he's so perfect to me.

Crush Imagines Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now