~ Chapter Fifteen ~

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Chapter Fifteen ~ The Sports Club With Fit Boys

We walk into Jens and Thomas's house, I only get a short time to look round as I'm pulled up the stairs and into a large bedroom.

"Try this on quick" she throws me a short tennis skirt which has shorts attached underneath and a white strap top.

After a couple of minutes I come out to show Jen that her clothes fit me. She smiles and laughs at me while I do a little twirl in the spot where I'm standing. Grabbing my hand as quick as flash we chuck our bags on us holding our drinks, wash gear as the club has showers and spare equipment that Jen gave me. Jumping into Jens car she turns to me with a smirk.

"Ready to see what the boys are up to and then we make them jealous?" She smirks with mischief.

"Let's do it" I smirk back, "this is going to be fun" I smirk looking in front and she starts driving out into the countryside, where the private expensive sports club is.

I wonder what's Asher doing? If he's flirting with girls or girls with him as he doesn't actually like me, I will get him back. As other guys might be there. I might just need to tuck my wedding finger up to hide the ring. That's my plan for fun.


Jen pulling her black Porsche up in the quiet but filled with other smart cars in the car pack. I step out and fill the full filling sun hit my skin; luckily I put some sunscreen on along with a tennis cap. My hair is tired up in a high pony tail which sticks up through the cap. Jen is the same.

We walk up to the main door of the building. It's neat bricks, glass doors and wide windows revealing the golden inside. Walking through the electric glass doors Jen and I walk side by side. Our shoes walking across a clean glossy floor, members of staff sending us hellos, a cute guy said hello which I admired. What? Asher wouldn't care. Then we make our way outside. The warm sun peeping through the other door.

The glass backdoor which was already open we step forward and stop looking at the view. Straight ahead is a wide stone path with fountains in the centre, bushes by the side of each path with (I could tell) were wealthy people walking around in sport clothing. To the left were tennis and other ball arenas, to the right was a pool with people swimming in the warm day. I must say it has gotten hotter. How weather changes.

I look round seeing a small cafe or a mini restaurant you can say serving people to salads, burgers and more with refreshing drinks. People seated outside or inside, just the smell makes me want food.

"Their over there" I hear Jen snapping me out of my phase. Moving my head, following her finger I see two guys playing against each other over the green hedge behind a tall wired fence.

"So what now?" I ask Jen curiously, what's the plan I wonder to myself.

"First let's get a drink and then we can start playing to see if they notice us" she smirks after, "but hopefully someone comes up to us first" she smirks with amusement.

"Who is this Jen and what have you done with her?" I laugh with humour and we both head over to the cafe to get some drinks.

Once paid, are drinks which are both refreshing lemonade with ice in, we walk to the tennis court next to the boys. I'm glad I placed sunscreen over my delicate skin as the sun is glaring into my skin. Seeing the gate for the court open we walk in and place our bags next to a bench, both of us having a side each.  Placing our drinks on the bench as well as our small towels for wiping our sweat. I also notice Jen standing still, peering through the metal fence and over the wide bush the other side.

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