~ Chapter Sixteen ~

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Chapter Sixteen ~ Sweet Morning Wake Up & Something Sweet

Waking up to another morning, the warmth keeping me frilled. My eyes still closed with a small smile on my face, my arm draped over something as something is pulling me in. But what makes me stir is my head moves up and down slightly. I'm enjoying it but the bed never did this.

Eyes opening I see a tan body, my head resting on it. My eyes wander landing on the arm draped over me as I'm doing the same. Wait! This is Asher's bed. Asher and I sleep in the same room. This makes me hugging Asher and he's hugging me.

Trying to sit up slowly and pull away from him his arm pulls me closer. My breathing becomes quicker like my heart pounding, sparks from where our skin is touching. Looking at myself I see my pyjama top is pulled up slightly which I waste no time pulling it down. I try to escape but no use.

"Asher" I whisper, poking his chest to wake him. He doesn't move or stir, just silent peaceful snores escaping his slightly open mouth. He looks so peaceful. "Asher" I say louder then before.

"What?" I hear a mumble come from him, he's slowly getting there.

"Can you let go of me?" I ask in another whisper tone, his hand pulling me so I'm secured.

"I will never let you go" he says, is he dreaming? Time to wake up.

"Asher!" I shout all cheery throwing a pillow from my side and slamming it on his face.

"What the f-" he starts saying and I cut him off before my poor ears hear the rude word.

"Fudge" I shout pulling the pillow away and showing him a smile as he's scowling at me.

"What?" He mumbles, leaning his head back and closing his eyes he ignores me. Except not letting go.

"Let me go please" I shout all happy as I'm ignoring him.

"What are you talking about?" He asks in an annoyed tone but he looks where I'm looking. "Oh" he only says before letting me free.

I stand up and turn to him. Straightening my clothes I look at him with a happy face. His reply is a confused look as I turn and smack the curtains open causing him to close his eyes a little. The morning sun telling us it's time to wake. He groans and I do a small giggle which I hate and stop. He looks at me as to why I stopped.

"You know you said something else" I smirk to him and he sits up showing off his perfect body. Gosh I wonder what it feels like to kiss it. Tate!

"What was that?" He asks, the morning huskiness placed in his voice. His morning voice.

"You said" I start before trying to mimic Asher's voice, "I'll never let you go" I smirk and he huffs.

"Sure" he says sarcastically and I roll my eyes in response. "Well get ready" he states and I turn my head.

"Why?" I say, I was going to stay in today as it's the finale day of the weekend.

"Because we are having a lunch with both of our parents" he tells me and my eyes widen, "wasn't me, blame my parents" he shrugs and I rush in the bathroom.

I better look my best.


Walking up the Montgomery home front stairs with Asher by my side. We have been doing small talk but other then that we have been silent. Oh did I forget to mention we talked about yesterday with the guy at the sports club. What's his name... Don? I think it was. That conversation didn't end as well as I planned, it just turned to be an argument like always. That's what we are good at, Asher and I, good at arguments.

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