~ Chapter Twenty-Seven ~

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Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Talking & The Mysterious Women

I was waiting in my comfy pjs, a long loose top and some fitting bottoms. With my legs crossed, I sit on the sofa waiting for Asher to return from work. With the time going past ten he must be home soon, so I mentally prepare myself for what I'm going to tell him. Hopefully this gives answers from earlier, answers from both of us.

My eyes jolt to look at the door and there I see Asher walk in, placing his bag and keys down he notices me. A small smile tugs at his lips as he walks closer, I could register he was tired.

"Do you want some coffee or something?" He asks before sitting down, I shake my head to the side. "Neither do I" he chuckles to himself and takes a seat. "Tate I'm sorry for being late earlier" he sighs and I look at him.

"I know" I say quietly, pulling my arms around his body and giving him a reassuring hug. "It's ok" I say in his ear with a smile as I feel his arms wrap round me.

"Tate you deserve to know why I was late" I hear him say and we both pull away, looking at each other. "I had to deal with someone, a girl" he tells me, looking serious and waiting for my reaction.

"It's ok, go on" I urge him to continue, giving him a gentle smile. He immediately grabs my hand in his and locks eyes with mine. Those brown orbs pulling me in, why do we have to talk now? Tate it's serious!

"It's ok, she's not important to me. She's actually a bitch" he chuckles and I slightly join in. "Anyway, she barged in my office with security ready to take her away but she wasn't having any of it" he informs me, I could see in his eyes he's telling the truth.

But I'm missing something but don't know what it is. Why would a random girl barge in?

"Asher it's fine, I'm over it and I need to tell you something" I start to say but see he does a large hidden yawn.

"What's wrong Tate?" He asks with a caring and worried tone but I could sense his tiredness.

"Don't worry, let's just get you changed and go to bed" I smile and try to shake the whole talk off. I keep hold of his hand as I stand up and we walk upstairs of the penthouse and shortly after go to bed.


Tuesday morning came quick and took away my sleep. I'm already dressed, Asher and I said our goodbyes with a kiss, then I headed to work. I have a busy day ahead of me; two reasons why. Reason one; I to finish a long write up of our profits increasing with the help of Montgomery. Reason two; Asher and I are heading over to his parents house with the gang for a small celebration. Just my parents, his parents, our friendship group so we can have a nice dinner before meeting each other's family at the upcoming engagement party.

Yeah tough day ahead and I'm already doing reason one.

Sitting at my desk with my laptop on and open on Microsoft word. The small flashing icon waiting for me to start typing. The time is ten and I've been waiting for the rest of the documents to be handed to me. Hearing a knock at my door I spring my head open and find one of the young male workers working in the finance area. I give him a warmly smile as he steps in.

"This is the rest of the documents you asked for about the profit increase" he gives me a warm smile and I could slightly hear some nerves. I remember when I started working here, nervous and self conscious.

He hands the last of the documents to me and I take them happily and grateful. Having a quick look with my fingers skimming the crisp white sheets of paper with the black inc running across it.

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