~ Chapter Twenty ~

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Chapter Twenty ~ A Week Later Where Friends Return & A Night Gets Started

A week has passed reaching another Friday. Work has been going swiftly, I've seen some paparazzi and fellow workers asks about Asher and I which my heart pings at it. I don't know what's up with Asher and I. One second he kissed me, one second we act all fun but the next we hate each other and the contract.

I've just finished work and it's good I finished just after lunch so I can pick up Jess and Ben. I've already received a long phone call from Jess telling me about Bens proposal but I said leave it for her arrival back with her future husband. She said yes! My two best friends are engaged and about time to!

Dressed in a warm plain, grey jumper and black leggings after I removed my work attire. Grabbing my bag and the car keys I get ready to leave to picking the love birds up. We have already planned for tonight that the large gang is meeting up; I'm surprised. Jess and Ben really hit it off with Jen and Thomas which I'm glad- even Asher they get along with! It's a weird scenario that has taken place.

Going down the elevator towards the underground garage I wait patiently. But soon hopping into my car and driving to the airport, quickly dashing away from the building as I notice some paparazzi waiting for something to happen. Hint is that they are waiting for Asher and I to come out. Why spend time taking pictures of people's life? I don't understand.

Arriving at the same airport I dropped the not yet engaged couple off. Parking the car and practically sprinting inside I go to find the arrivals. My eyes wander waiting for the duo and I spot them.

My two best friends, the happy and engaged couple. Both of their skin are now tanned, smiles on both faces while their hands are interwind. I instantly catch the flash of light reflecting of the drop dead ring.

"Jessy! Benny!" I shout knowing their hate those nicknames, my voice laced with laughter and their eyes find me.

"Tate!" Jess is the first to run to me, he suitcase being strangled to death behind her. She dives into a hug and I squeeze her hard to show how much I've missed her. "Ben told me you knew about it" she smiles and shows me the ring.

"I did know because I was the one who told him to man up" we both laugh at my comment. I look behind Jess and see Ben standing there waiting for us to finish our reuniting moment.

"Ben! Your a true man!" I smile widely, walking over to him I give him a large hug. "About time to don't you think?" I say to him before looking at Jess, seeing her blush makes me smile more.

"Anything else you want to say?" Ben smirks as we all walk back out to my car. The lovebirds standing each side of me with their luggage getting pulled. Yes I'm in the middle.

"There is!" I glow with excitement, "I'm totally head bridesmaid" I say pointing at me before looking serious and saying, "no one else, only me!"

"Of course my main girl, would have you over anyone even Ben" she smirks at her future hubby.

"Ouch!" Ben says sarcastically, placing his hand on his heart. The two of us girls laugh at his behaviour.

"You must tell me how your holiday went? Was it good, warm, any hot guys?" I smirk at the ending. "Even you have great tans while I would just burn" I mumble to myself wishing I went on holiday.

"Oh Tate, it was great, warm and hot guys were there but I only saw Ben" she smiles, saving her sorry ass.

"You saved yourself there" I hear Ben say. Cuties! Don't you agree?

"Well give me more detail when we go to ours, that way you can unpack while I eat your delicious food" I smile with pride as we get in the car. I'm obviously driving, Jess sits next to me because Ben being nice he sits in the back.

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