~ Chapter Thirty-Five ~

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Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Moving In With A Friend & A Good Night

"Hey Sasha, I was just letting you know that I'll be with you tomorrow" I squeal at her through the phone. My excitement is now hitting me though the dread and guilt squeezes my gut every second. I'm moving tomorrow as the interview on the Harley Show is in two days; I want to be with her for it. Hearing an excited squeal from the other side I'm guessing her feelings are the same.

"I can't wait girl, it's been forever and now you coming to live with me for a few days" I hear her, happiness flowing through our call.

Sasha Haze, the girl I have known since high school. Sasha is a few months older then me but we get along great; both have exited personalities but our also stubborn and hard working. This lean tall girl, dark black, curly hair and a tan skin colour. Sasha has recently started up her own small clothes business as she always dreamt off being a clothes designer, and now she's getting the chance she's been waiting for.

"And those few days are going to be the best days" I smile as I sit on my bed, in the room I'm staying at in my fathers house.

"They are!" She quietly screams and I suddenly hear a knock coming from the front door downstairs. Strange. Father is at work and mum is out with a friend for the day.

"Sasha I'll have to call you back later as there was a knock at the door" I inform her and we say our goodbyes.

The knocking on the wooden front doors get louder as I get closer. My heart beating in confusion, who would be here round this time? Pulling myself to it, I swing the door open and look in shock as I see two people standing where with a warming smile.

Jen and Thomas.

They are both dressed In their work attires, lunch break probably. I feel slightly insecure as I'm dressed in grey sweatpants and an oversized white top which swings onto my knees.

"Uh hi" I say shyly, the two returning hellos I let them come in and we walk into the lounge. I head in first biting my lip as I start to imagine the worst. Maybe they are here to tell me bad news? Of course not. Hopefully. "It's been so long, I've missed you guys" I start the conversation.

"We've missed you too and it's been so quiet" Jen replies with a beaming smile as Thomas pulls on a smaller one.

"Guys, I want to apologise for you know because it's changed everything and-" I start but is instantly cut off by Thomas's voice.

"Tate don't apologise, never. We have all come to learn why you've done it, hey blame your psycho ex-boyfriend" Thomas states serious at first but somehow causes humour at the end of it. As a smile creeps up on my face I start to relax like old times.

"So what bought you two here?" I sigh as my question pops up. My hands resting in between my legs as they're crossed under me. Turning their heads to look at each other with a knowing look I begin to feel nervous.

"What's happening between you and Asher?" Thomas states with an emotionless expression. He's trying to remain calm as his best friend his Asher, their like brothers.

"What do you mean? There's nothing between me and Asher now" I tell him what I know or what I think. Asher and I haven't discussed about being back together or anything, we're just sort of moving on.

"Tate you can't just end your engagement and go one with life" Thomas begins to raise his voice but Jen is quick to attempt to calm him down.

"I don't know guys, Asher and I have spoken but we've just said goodbye and it's hard on us" I try to leave it easy to understand and say. I don't know what to say.

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