~ Chapter Twenty-Three ~

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Chapter Twenty-Three ~ How Can You Tell I Got Naughty With Asher?

Waking up feeling sore I close my eyes again. Never have I ever had that good sex in a long time. That must be the second or third time, I'm not a girl to throw myself around. My first time was a weird time and that's another story for another day.

I feel warmth on my back, relaxing I snuggle against someone's body. His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him. My eyes open slightly and see the morning sun rising, clothes on the floor and the duvet covering Asher and mines naked body. Feeling him stir I roll over to face him, his tanned body hits me first but I look up. His face looks relaxed and calm, quiet snores coming from his mouth and his hair messed up. I pull my hand up to move a fallen hair away from his face, his eyes flicker sleepily open. I meet those brown eyes that makes me want to kiss him.

"Morning" I hear his voice, all husky making my heart flip. He looks down at me and smiles.

"Morning" I say and his lips are bought down to meet mine. A warming peck before we part our lips.

"Last night was amazing" he tells me and I bury my face in his chest, a laugh is heard in the room. "You were beautiful, every inch of your body" he says soothingly and lifts my head up with his finger while his other runs small circles on my bare hip.

"It was amazing" I agree with him, my face looking all red from my blush.

"We should probably get up as the time is" he begins and turns his head to the side to see the time. "It's 10am, what a nice lay in" he smiles, his head resting on his pillow.

"Do we have to go and meet up with the others?" I ask falling onto my stomach and resting on my elbows.

"You agreed with it and as much as I would like to stay here with you, I really want to go to the beach as it's going to be a nice day" he smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Yes the beach" I remember with a large smile, I watch Asher sit up and place his pants back on. I take the whole duvet and stop at the bathroom door.

"Want to join?" I smirk at him and his eyes widen with joy. He quickly walks over to me and smashes his lips like last night to me, pushing me into the bathroom and slamming the door behind.

One of the best ways to wake up.


After our extraordinary shower moment we got changed and now in our car driving to Thomas and Jens house. Where we will meet. Tom couldn't make it but it's the original gang going. We have bought Asher's relaxing black jeep as we are taking two cars. The more seats the better. It's planned that Asher takes a car and Ben is driving his I believe. I have a bag packed in front of my legs containing mine and Asher's beach kit. He's already has his swim shorts on, along with a white muscle top and black flip flops, his clean shorts in the bag. I have my bikini on underneath my pale blue, see through top with white denim shorts and blue sandals.

Parking outside the calm, good size house with fresh bricks making it look great we exit our car. I leave the bag in the car as we will probably stay here for ten minutes before heading off.

Knock. Knock.

Asher bangs hard on the door with one hand as his other is preoccupied with mine. I quickly look at him with a nervous face which he recognises.

"Do we act like this in front of them?" I ask embarrassed and he shows a smile.

"What way?" He asks with a smirk, eyes full of amusement. He's enjoying this too much! "This way" he leans to kiss me and I savour it. It ends quickly as I hear the door opening I push him away and let go of his hand. Reflex I guess.

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