~ Chapter Nineteen ~

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Chapter Nineteen ~ Lights, Camera, Action & Be Engaged

"Now let's go and show your fiancé my unique masterpiece that I have created" Joey grins at me and opens the door for me.

Gently grabbing a small amount of fabric with my right hand I lift it up, helping me to walk without stepping on the dress. Once I'm out the room I see people in the corridor giving me warming smiles and Joey leads the way.

I soon begin to lose Joey as he quickly dashes to Harley and Asher. I'm walking through the door to the large room behind the set where I was earlier. I stop in my tracks and take a breath. I look round the room and see people looking me over. Women giving me smiles and an approving nods while some men check me out which makes me slightly blush with all these stares.

But my eyes stop on one person. Asher Montgomery. He has been styled up. His brown hair, brushed and slightly jelled giving it an handsome edge. A black tuxedo on his body, the shoes shining with profession, his tux is only buttoned up once revealing his pristine white shirt and slick black tie. I stand there a little to see if he will notice me but he doesn't. He is lost talking to Harley and Joey, of course he's talking to Harley.

"Well Harley and Mr Montgomery, I would like to introduce Miss Pierce" he smiles saying it louder then usual, wanting to catch attention.

He turns his head towards me and give a nod. My feet move on their own accord, pushing me closer to Asher. My breath catches in my throat as Asher turns to see. I watch him examine my look, a small smile that you can slightly see, his eyes travel from my head to toe making me blush more. When he makes eye contact with me my knees buck with emotion but I maintain, the effect of Asher checking me out is making me weak. His warm chocolate eyes showing some emotion that I can't make out.

"Hello" I say quietly making a halt in front of the three. I ignore Asher's heated stare on me and focus on what's Harley is telling me.

"You look beautiful" she starts, "and you will be told to come on after I do a small interview with Asher" she informs me but I quickly divert my hearing.

I start hearing chatter from the audience which will be watching the show live in person. I can hear them behind the walls of the set. Now my blood starts pumping and I don't realise Harley and Joey left.

"Relax" I hear Asher's voice assuring me, causing goosebumps to rise on my showing skin. The feel of his warm breath making me look at him. "You'll do great" he gives me a smile showing his white teeth.

"It's just that people will be watching it live, most of the country watches this show including our family and friends. People will finally know that the billionaire is settling down with an ugly girl from another business" I sigh out in one go. Asher staring at me with hidden emotions clogged up in his pupils not letting me see.

"Who said you looked ugly?" He asks me and I look down in shame. Shortly my head is lifted back up with the gentle feeling of his hand. "I think you look beautiful and mesmerising. People will see I'm engaged to a wonderful women and will be happy for us" he tells me but I can't help but wonder if it's true. Does he really think I'm beautiful, mesmerising and wonderful? I can't read him.

We remain quiet as our mind wonders. It then clicks, we haven't come up with some romantic story of us meeting.

"Asher we haven't come up with some soppy story for questions like how did we meet" I say to Asher and his eyes look at me.

"I have a plan" he only says, not helping the situation at all. Thanks Asher.

"Can you at least give me an idea?" I ask him, stepping closer so our bodies are touching. He lets out a sigh because of this proximity.

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