10. Getting To See My Father Again

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After looking all night we found nothing on Klaus and Rebekah was beyond pissed that he just skipped town without her. Since she had no place to stay i offered my place even though it is outside of town, but she denied and went to the Salvatore boarding house instead. Once we got there Rebekah knocked on the door and Damon opened it up, "where's Stefan?" she asks walking in.

"Who the hell are you?" Damon asks.

"Klaus' sister, and my aunt, Rebekah," i tell Damon as i follow her.

"He left me here, my brother actually left me here," she says looking at Stefan.

"Oh i'm sorry your tone actually applies that i'm supposed to care," Stefan says and i just look at him rather annoyed.

"You're Klaus' sister?" Damon asks.

"Of course you idiot that's what i just said like 30 seconds ago," i tell him.

"Which room is mine?" Rebekah asks looking at Stefan.

"You're not staying here," Stefan laughs a bit.

"Stefan how do you think Klaus would react to you kicking his dear sister out into the street?" i ask him and he give me a 'i don't give two shits' look, "he will rip your throat out," i tell him, "come on Rebekah we can find a room for you," with that I walk up the steps with her in tow. We find a room easily and she drops the bags she had in there before turning to me.

"Want to do senior year at the high school?" she says with a smile.

"I haven't been to high school in over 25 years," i laugh a bit at this, "most of the kids there i hung out with their parents," Rebekah gives me a look, "but if you want to i guess i can also," she smiles at this then looks at her outfit, "you look fine, let's go, I'll have to make a call though."

"Well go make your call and i'll change into something different, i don't like this outfit for the first day," she says starting to go through her bags of clothes and i roll my eyes. I go downstairs and call Josh and tell him about going to senior year again and he agrees so he drives to the school as i get Rebekah to hurry up so we could go.

Once we get to the school i introduce Josh to Rebekah before we go into the office and get ourselves enrolled in the school in all the same classes. First stop, history with Alaric. We walk to the class and i can see girls looking at Josh and guys looking at Rebekah and i wich makes me roll my eyes as i grab Josh's hand. I will be the first to tell you that i am not into the physical interaction that much with a relationship, especially not in public, but i have to show these other humans that he is taken. Josh looks at me and smiles knowing what i'm doing before he places a light kiss on my cheek making me smile a little bit.

When we walk into history Alaric says, "lets start with the country's original founders, Native Americans."

"What about the vikings?" Rebekah questions sitting down in the front seat and i look at the two seats next to her and the guys move so Josh and I can sit next to each other.

"There is no evidence that viking explorers actually settles in the united states," Alaric says.

"On the contrary sir, my ancestors were indeed vikings and they were her in the states," i tell him bringing his attention to me.

"Who are you three?" he questions even though he already knows me.

"That's Rebekah and Elisha, i'm Josh. We are all new," Josh says with a smile, "history is their favorite subject," Alaric just kind of looks behind us and i look to see Elena shaking her head. With that the class started and it was entertaining to say the least, the same with the rest of the day. When the day ended Rebekah dragged me to the cheerleading practice, but i was still in my school clothes because i was not trying out and Josh went over and compelled the couch of the football team to let him practice today to show that he was good enough for the team.

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