19. Death

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When i wake up the next morning i look at the time to see that it was about noon so i get up and get dressed in athletic leggings with a matching sports bra and sweatshirt. I go down stairs to see that Mikael and Elijah were the only two here so i smile at them as i walk into the kitchen grabbing a bag of blood maked with a V and W. Once i finish the bag and throw it away i turn to look at the two ready for a conversation, "why are the bags marked with letters?" Mikael asks.

"Before you grab a bag the V does not mean vampire it means vervain, the W means wolfsbane and the L means little," i tell him and he looks confused, "i have to have them marked because if i don't Nik will most likely come after me because he will drink a blood bag with both vervain and wolfsbane in it."

"Why little then?" Mikael questions.

"Little vervain," my father responds, "for me, i'm starting to build a tolerance to it."

"It's a smart move because then the smallest amount won't hurt, like i got my tolerance so high that you could make the entire swimming pool a vervain pool and it won't phase me one bit," Mikael is shocked at this which makes me smile, "now if you excuse me i must go see how well these new hybrids of mine can fight, would you like to join me?" i offer both of them. My father shakes his head no as Mikael nods slightly, "alright let's go," i say walking out of the kitchen, "oh and if anything comes up text me so i can get back here alright?" my father nods and i leave. I grab my keys to my car motion Mikael to follow me.

"This is your car?" Mikael asks looking at my Camaro.

"Yep, everything is the original from '67," i say opening the door and getting in, "what's wrong old man, scared i won't be able to handle the power of this?" i joke slightly as he opens the door getting in.

"I just never thought you would have a car like this," he says shaking his head as he puts on the seatbelt. I start the car as i but on my own seat belt laughing, "and what was that comment about old man?"

I have to laugh at this as i pull out of the garage, "well your old and your a man so i called you an old man, its a joke that i call anyone i like that is old enough to be my grandfather and since you are that then you get the pleasure of being called old man by me," i say smiling at him as we hit the road and i pull onto the road going from like five miles per hour to sixty in eight seconds.

"Do you always drive like this?" he asks looking at me then the road.

"Yeah," i say, "but back to the old man thing," i say as i maintain my speed on the virtually open road, "i know someone who was calling you papa original so if you want i can call you that."

"Your going to call me old man no matter what aren't you?"

"Yeah," i say with a nod and he just sighs making me laugh a bit, "honestly i could be calling you worse things than that," i say as i tune the radio to one of my favorite station.

"Like what?"

"Lets see there is dick, asswhole hunter, fucker, monster, the monster that other mostersters are afraid of, the worst of all monsters-"

"Okay i get it," he says cutting me off, "and some of those i'm actually hurt by."

"That's the point, so old man it is?" i ask and i see him nod as i pull up to the lake house stopping the car.

"This is your lake house?" he asks kind of shocked, "how much did you have to beg Elijah for this or did you just as Niklaus?"

"Okay i'm hurt that you don't think that i bought this on my own, which i did, and i also bought the mansion that we are currently residing in, but i gave it to Nik. I have another place about four miles from here that i lived in until Nik came into town and got that other place fixed up," i say getting out of the car, "you coming or are you just going to stay there?"

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